Are you tired?

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I woke up at about 8AM and El was still fast asleep curled up beside m breathing heavily. I stood up trying not to disturb her to go to my bag of clothes and pulled out my tooth brush and began walking to the bathroom.

After a few minutes I finished and walked back inside to see el yawning and standing up. She looked at me and asked , "where'd you go? I didn't see you when I woke up I thought you left.." I walked over to her and hugged her. Even if we did just confess our feelings we had still done this a lot so nothing could change that anyway. I hugged her closer to me and put my face in her short curly hair and we stayed like that until Hopper walked in and told me to get ready for school.

El quickly grabbed her clothes while I left to the bathroom to change. When we finished hoppers phone rang and he called me over to answer it. Once I did I said "hello?" I was greeted with the voice of my mom, "MICHAEL WHEELER WHERE WERE YOU?! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!" That's when I remembered I forgot to tell my mom I was leaving. Oh shi- "who is it?" El said looking over to me. I told my mom,"I'll call you back." I put the phone on my shoulder to answer,just my mom. As el turned around I picked the phone back up and said "yeah yeah,love you too mom."

Hopper walked in the room right when he hung up and told the the two, "sorry kids looks like there's no school today,there's a protest up by the school,all roads are blocked and most of the teachers are in it,so no school today." I was so happy but el just sighed ,she liked school for some reason..


When dad left me and mike stayed at the house,we decided to stay since mike left his bike at Steve's and he didn't want to get a ride home since he didn't want  me home alone. He looked to me and asked, "hey want some eggos?" I smiled and we went into the kitchen to get some. After we finished eating I stood up to get some water,I grabbed a cup and took a sip of water and got one for mike too. I passed him it and he said thanks. I turned to mike and asked "can we watch some tv?" Mike nodded happily while he reached up and grabbed Star Wars and put it in the tape thing.

Once the movie ended it had been around 10am and mike and I decided to do some flash cards to test my words out,I pulled them out from one of the shelves and handed them to mike. He spoke up, "what is a telescope?" I answered the question correctly and we went out to the next,eventually we finished and went onto animal stuff.

"Okay so we're going to look at some stuff about animals,first,what is a giraffe" I thought for a moment before I remembered them at the zoo,they had big long necks and were tall. I answered another question right and soon we moved onto math,that's when stuff got harder. "What's 4 x 12?" I thought for a moment before I answered the question, i got it wrong and Buried my face in my hands. I was so disappointed and embarrassed,Mike quickly said "hey hey it's fine you just need some help,not everyone is great at everything,plus your perfect no matter what." He said the last part silently but I heard him. I looked up at him and decided to make a decision. I put  my hands on his cheeks and leaned in.. our lips brushed against each other for a slight moment and he kissed me.

I smiled once we pulled away. I also blushed..a lot. After all it was my first kiss. "Hey..el" he whispered. I looked up and said "yes?" Mike gulped and said..

"El will you be my-" before he could finish, there was knocking on the door. We stood up and both went to the door,really nervous. Mike opened the door and we saw Max,Will,Lucas,and Dustin outside.


"Hey Elev-" Max said before she saw me stand beside El. "What are you doing here?" Lucas asked. I just shrugged and let them in,not wanting to explain myself yet. They came inside and we all talked for hours,until it was around 2.30pm and Max said "hey guys let's play a game,truth or dare." Dustin quickly said "no!" He knew they were all going to ask about Suzie. Lucas quickly squealed and spoke, "Yes now Dusty bun!"every one including me laughed about his nick name. We started the game,of course all targeting Dustin about Suzie. Until Dustin decided to ask Max "How far have you and Lucas gone?"  El looked confused but  Max looked at her and just smiled not wanting to ruin the innocence of her best friend,so she just said "made out." Lucas looked at her confused but she looked at him and then el.

I knew exactly what they had done,Lucas was 17 and Max 16. So I can't say or do anything to stop them but they both know if they said anything they'd have to explain it to el. Max then turned to el and said, "El, if you could make out with one person from This party who would it be?" Max knew what she was doing and just smirked at me. El just looked down probably blushing,I was too.

El whispered into Max's ear so  no one could hear,I looked at max and she winked at me I couldn't stop blushing the whole time.

Once they had all left it was about 5.56pm and el was getting bored so I took out a board game and we started playing. El was so excited,she loved board games,especially chess,because she loves to move the pieces with her mind. After an hour of playing different games we snuggled up on the couch watching a movie on the tv. I could tell el was tired and she soon asked "are you tired?" And yawned. Once el dozed off I looked down at her and whispered.

"I'll never get tired of being with you."

Mileven  - I like youWhere stories live. Discover now