I hate you

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"I like you"
Was the last thing I said to El before Hopper drive off,clearly just wanting to get away from that situation as fast as possible. I watched her drive off into the distance,and just as they got to the road she peaked her head out to get a look at me,and quickly put it back.

I couldn't breath properly and was freaking out,0h god,what did she think about me,what did she feel about me?! I ran back inside and got out my supercom thinking if I should call her or not. I decided to pace around the room while trying to get the boys to answer.

"Code red I repeat this is a code re-" before I could finish my sentence I heard Steve's voice,"what's wrong kid?" He said. I thought for a moment and replied, "Steve?! What are you doing on this channel-wait you have a supercom?! Over."

"First of all I'm on this channel because I want to be,second no I don't have a supercom,this is Dustin's. I dropped him to the arcade and he left this in the car." I sighed at his words and said "look Steve,could you please get one of the guys this is about el and I-" i  was cut off by Steve , "girl problems? For real I'm the one to go to right now." I began to speak, "didn't Nancy cheat on you with Jonathan like ten times?" "First, no she did not and second how do you even know about that?!" He yelled. " that doesn't matter,just get the guys,it's serious." Steve sighed and told me, "Mike,just tell me, I can help." I let out a sigh and said "fine..I told el I liked her but hopper drove off before she could say anything." Steve laughed and spoke, "don't worry you can talk to her at school tomorrow,and even then she obviously likes you back." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and said , "thanks,  mama Steve." At this point I wanted to piss him off,but he had a point.

"No problem,Steve's your daddy now" I just laughed and put the antenna down and laid in bed to think, could El really like me back..?

"I like you" Mike spoke before my dad drove off, "Dad!" I yelled before looking out the window back at Mike,he looked so confused,I wish I could tell him how I felt but we were already half way home when I realized what happened.

Mike Wheeler,liked me? I looked out the window and just sighed while dad played music on the radio thing. Once we arrived home I jumped out of the car and into the house. Dad yelled at me to come back and be nice but I just went into my room and slammed the door. Dad knocked at my door and said "El come on you know the rules." That was all I heard before I went into bed and drifted to sleep.
I soon opened my eyes.

I sighed and opened the door. We both exchanged flares before I spoke up,why did you drive away. "I don't know what your talking about." Dad tried to defend him self, "Dad, why did you drive away?!"Dad gulped and looked away. "You know I'm not comfortable with the whole thing between you and Mike." I was so angry,no i was more then angry. I looked argon in the eyes once more and said "well thanks t you now I'll have to wait until school to tell him how I feel."

Dad sighed and spoke up, "you wont be going to school tomorrow." I was about to cry, "You can't do that! I tried so hard to get to school and now I have to leave?!" Dad looked at me and kneeled down to my height. "El I care about you very much and I just want you safe. So you won't be going to school for a while,or be able to see any of your friends for a while.." I was frozen.

"W-why?! Why now?!" I cried. Dad looked at me and said "El,remember when that Troy kid broke his arm and well,pissed himself.. he's made more reports about you using your powers,if he knows god knows who else does." I looked at him with confusion, "but, if I don't see anyone how will I cope..? I can't stay in this cabin with you forever..!" Little did I know the next thing he'd say would break my heart more then ever. "That's why you won't be staying with me. I'm sending you to the lab,they can keep you safe they can-" before he finished I screamed and  backed away from him,"No no no! You can't you can't!" Dad was in tears. Before I could say anything dad stood up and two men walked in my room. It was papa,he came back,he wants me..?! I cried and cried and screamed for my dad,why was this happening?! I looked to hopper one last time before I cried and said, "you promised." He looked at me and just as I was dragged out to the front door I yelled louder then ever and said "I hate you." Soon I was dragged out of the house and everything went bright.

I woke up from the night mare,sweating. I had been having a lot of night mares lately and I hated it,it only seemed to go away when me and mike were together. I stood up slowly wiping away my tears and opened the door and saw dad right out side the door,he rapped his arms around my small self and cried, "I'm so sorry I couldn't get in,i heard your screams I'm so so sorry." He hugged me more? Dad was never this..sensitive? He looked at me and said "I'll call mike."
I smiled in return and he walked towards the telephone thingy.


I was now down stairs in the basement with all the boys,Max couldn't make it though,she was still putting up with her mom and her new dad,and her brother, Billy.Max doesn't talk about him much but when she does he seems like an ass hat. Anyway, me and the boys were in the middle of a D&D game when Will had said there was a Demogorgon approaching, Will was recovering from everything since he had all of us to help so he didn't mind playing,he actually loved to.

It was Dustin's turn to turn the dice and every one was yelling,when my mom started yelling down to me at the same time "MIKE?" I sighed angrily and said "NOT NOW MOM" I turned back to the game,I was so into it that I forgot about everything else. Just as he spun the dice my mom yelled again "MICHAEL WHEELER GET UP THESE STAIRS RIGHT NOW OR ELSE YOUR GROUNDED FOR A WEEK!" I ignored her again and she yelled for the third time, "DONT MAKE IT A MONTH!"I ran upstairs angrily and looked at my mom "What?!" She handed me the phone and left.

Hopper spoke up "Mike?" I was confused at first but then answered. "Yes.." "your staying over with me and el." He did sternly. I was so happy and nervous at the same time.

"O-okay." I said. Hopper sighed and just hung up. I put the phone back and ran down stairs,I told Everyone to leave,and grabbed my bag and shoved some clothes in it, I ran to my bike and went over to Steve's,I decided I didn't want to bike all the way to the cabin so I'd ask Steve to drive me. I hate to admit it but he's a good wingman. Or that's what Dustin says.

When Steve opened the door I looked at him, "code red." I said before he let me in. "Tell mama Steve." He said closing the door. I told him everything and was now in the car with him. My bike was still at his house because it wouldn't fit in the car.

Once we arrived Steve turned to me and gave me the big brother pep talk, "be safe,your fifteen don't be freaky,if you are tell me everything,and one more thing." Steve said before passing him a sheet of paper with words on it,it was a guide on how to be Steve. I sighed and took it,then ran to the door,Steve honked the horn and gave me a thumbs up before leaving.

I knocked and at the third knock Hopper opened the door. "It's happened again" he said in a low voice. I walked into Els room and sat on the bed beside her. She turned to face me, and spoke up.

"I like you too." She hugged me and I hugged back.


I sat on my lazy boy and looked at the blank tv,and sometimes looked back at els door,it had been completely closed. I stood up and walked over to the door,I was about to yell at them but as soon as I opened the door I saw the two sleeping in each others arms. I decided to give them a break for once. I walked into the room towards El and kissed her forehead, whispering something into her ear. And leaving. I closed the door slightly leaving it open a little before leaving to go to my room.


I smiled to myself thinking about what my dad has said before he had left.

"Halfway happy."

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