Chapter: 6

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(Scout's P.O.V)

Scout couldn't sleep. Her eye just too much. Dill was already asleep. She looked at Dill, he was sofly snoring in the floor wrapped in his blankets. Scout had never loved him so much. Then she heard It. A loud thump. Then another. And another. And another. Scout was smart enough to know that was not normal. She jumped off her bed and shook Dill. "Dill! Dill!" She whisper-shouted.    

    "What Scout?" Dill asked sleepily. He rolled over to look at her. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. It came again. "What was that?" Dill whispered.

    "I do don't know. That's why I woke you. I thought you'd know."

    "No." The door opened and Jem walked into the room, he looked very mad.

     "Would you guys stop making that..." Jem began. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

    "That ain't us." Scout said.

    "Obviously." Jem said rolling his eyes.

    "What is your problem?!" Scout shouted.

    "How about...." Jem began. The rest of their conversation was inaudible even to the two arguing. Then Jem screamed above everyone else "You know what Jean Louise?! I hate you! I wish you'd just disappear!"  Scout looked as if she wanted to cry, then Atticus ran up the stairs.

    "Children come with me. And hurry!" Atticus shouted. Scout, who's never seen Atticus so scared, quickly followed. Dill and Jem weren't far behind.

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