Chapter: 12

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(Jem's P.OV)

Jem's foot hurt, Boo wasn't too gentle. He looked down at Scout, he didn't like to see the fear on her face. Someone was laughing. Jem looked up to see Boo, who had all his tongues in his mouth. He was the one laughing. Jem knew this was the end. He looked at Dill, who was looking down with fear. Jem felt it was all his fault. He led them straight to Boo. Now they would all die. Soon Boo lifted them over his head and looked up. He looked at them with a bloody, sharp toothed smile. "Wrong way." He said. "Any last words? I'm not that evil. Anything you want to say to Each other?" He asked.

    "Scout! Dill! Don't! He'll enjoy it!" Jem shouted.

    "Oh, don't ruin all my fun." He slowly cackled.

     "Why would I listen to you?!" Scout shouted. "You want me to disappear, remember!"

     "Scout not now." Jem said.

    "Yes now. Dill! Ever since we'd met that day, I've kinda liked you!" Scout admitted, looking up at Dill.

    "Me too. I've always loved you Scout!" Dill said back.

     "What's that about wanting someone to disappear?" Boo asked.

    "Tell 'em Jem!" Scout shouted. Jem knew he shouldn't. But he also knew they were all going to die. So he'd tell him.

   "I told Scout: that I hated her and I wanted her to disappear." Jem said. He tried to ignore Boo's smile, instead he looked at Scout.

    "Well then...allow me." Boo said with a laugh. Jem watched as his tongue split in half. The main one just stuck out of his mouth, but the smaller one reached up and wrapped itself around Scout's waist. Scout looked up at Jem with a panicked expression. She tried to pull the tongue off with one hand, but its grip got tighter and tighter. Finally it pulled Scout's hand from Jem's. "Scout, grab my hand!" He shouted. But it was too late. The tongue went back in Boo's mouth, and so did Scout. Boo didn't eat Jem, he just sat him back on the ground. Dill was a different story. All Jem could do was watch as Dill disappered into Boo's mouth, same as Scout. Jem remembered his one thought in his room: He was mad at everyone. He wished they'd all disappear. And now they were. Boo ignored Jem and walked away. Jem was upset. He tried to the monster but the forest was too deep and green. He ended up ripping his clothes and tripped over a root before he gave up. He cursed out loud. He cursed Boo. He cursed his own morbid thoughts. How did Boo know Jem wanted everyone to disappear? Why was he actually doing it?

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