Chapter: 18

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(Boo's P.O.V)

The sky began to darken as clouds covered the sun, Boo knew it was going to rain. He walked back to the one place he could call a home now, when he noticed the little party of five was there. He quickly quickly made them a little party of three after that, but someone else caught his eye. She was trying to catch his eye, so he took the bait. He turned to her and looked down at her. It was Alexandra. He eventually learned all their names, and already knew the name of his brother. Alexandra picked up a rock and threw it at his leg. Boo looked at her, confused. "What?" He asked. She turned the other way and lifted her head. Boo growled. "I asked you what!" He said. She still ignored him. The monster screeched and inhuman screech and picked her up. His intire voice changed, it was now deeper and nearly demonic. "I've been ignored for too long! Cast into the shadows for too long! You will not ignore me!" He lectured her.

    "Hmph." She said and turned her head the other way. Boo Radley's growl was something totally inhuman, but he smiled. Then he lifted his head and threw Alexandra into his mouth. Water droplets splattered on his head and he looked at the sky, he was right: it was raining.

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