Chapter: 19

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(Jem's P.O.V)

Aunt Alexandra's distraction worked. Jem and Atticus escaped the cave and ran outside, just in time to watch Boo eat Aunt Alexandra. Jem followed Atticus as it started to ran, tears mixing with rain. It was only them two now. Jem hated Boo, but he mostly hated himself. "Atticus, what do we do now?" Jem asked. Atticus stopped and looked at Jem.

"We need to get out of Maycomb County. We need to get to the train station." Atticus planned. Lightning struck and thunder rumbled. The rain came down harder. Jem noticed something for the first time.

"Atticus, where are your classes?" Jem asked.

"They fell off when we escaped the cave." There was a loud thump and the ground shook a little. "We need to get out of here." Atticus warned. Both Finches ran off, towards the train station.

That night Jem and Atticus didn't make a fire in fear that Boo Radley would find them. The rain had gotten worse and both Finches were completely soaked. "Atticus?" Jem interuppted the silence.

"Yes, Jem?" He answered.

"This is all-" A roll of thunder interuppted him. He sighed and tried again. "This is all my fault." Jem admitted.

"How is this your fault?" Atticus asked.

"I was the one who wished everyone would disappear. And now, they're all disappearing." Jem whimpered.

"It'll be alright, son. We'll get through this."

"I hope so." Jem said. Surprisingly, they eventually fell asleep.

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