Chapter: 13

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(Jem's P.O.V)

Jem walked back to the town to see if anybody was left. Not many people were. He could only find: Atticus, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra, Tom Robinson,  Nathan Radley, and Bob Ewell. Jem ran over to Atticus, tears streaming down his face. "Atticus! Atticus!" He cried, then he hugged Atticus tightly.

   "Son, are you alright? Where are the others?" Atticus asked frantically.

    "They...they- Boo got 'em." Jem admitted. "And it's all my fault."

"Don't worry now, son." Atticus said, but his own voice was shaking.

   " it's not." Jem argued, pushing Atticus away.

    "There's no doubt: Boo will come back. We shouldn't stay here." Nathan interuppted as he anxiously watched the sky. 

    "We need to hide." Bob agreed with a nod.

   "We could go to the Landing." Aunt Alexandra offered.

     "Boo could easily find yer fancy Landing." Bob disagreed, rather rudely.

    "Then where do we go?" Tom asked with a shrug.

   "Everyone calm down." Atticus interuppted the argument. "First we need to see if anyone else survived." There were little protests to his plan and everyone split up. They looked around the small town, but now one was to be found.

    "We're the only one's." Alexandra said in shock. "I don't believe it. You'd think there'd be somebody." Jem wanted to tell Atticus about what he was thinking, and how he wished everyone would disappear. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

    The next day, there was that same horrid thumping they heard the night before. Boo had come back, and he was hungry again.

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