Chapter: 16

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(Jem's P.O.V)

They walked as far as they had to. They left their old campsite behind. Jem was beginning to feel miserable. It was hot and they hadn't drank or ate anything since Boo's first attack. They came to some sort of cave, which had been beat at until it was big enough for something really big to fit in. Something as big as Boo Radley. Had they found his home? Maybe someone was in there, Boo wasn't home. Or at least it didn't seem like he was home. Four people in the group thought they should check out what's in there, maybe there was something they could eat or drink. Aunt Alexandra said it was unladylike to go into someone's house uninvited, even if that house was a cave. She gave in eventually and followed.

As they searched the cave Atticus walked up to Jem. "Is it true?" He asked.

"Is what true?" Jem raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.

"Are Scout and Dill really gone?" Atticus pressed.

"Yes, sir." Jem answered, looking at the ground.

"And now Calpurnia and Nathan."

"He was real mean to Mr. Nathan, Atticus." Jem stated.

"Yes, son. He was extremely cruel when killing Nathan. Maybe they had issues in the past." Atticus explained.

"He's picking us off, Atticus. Slowly, but he's defiantly picking us off."

"I know, son." Then, there it was again. The same loud thumps they heard every time Boo attacked. Boo's home! Jem thought. There were two loud screams and Jem turned around just in time to see Bob and Tom being pulled out of the cave by two lizard-like tongues. Atticus led Jem and Aunt Alexandra to the back of the cave. "Atticus, he took Tom and Bob." Jem stated.

"I know, son." Atticus said.

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