A Meeting in the Mystic Isles

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"Sofia, this is really exciting," Chrysta squeals.

"Why? What is so special about this meeting?"

"It's the annual recruitment meeting."

"Recruitment meeting?"

"Yes, every year each protector gets to choose one person from their isle to become part of the protectors, or in your case realm," Chrysta explains.

"Any suggestions about what I should look for?" Sofia asks.

"Someone who has a heart like yours and you believe can pass the challenges, I mean not many people can ride an Arcticondor and tame a bucking Baronga," Chrysta jokes.

"That's true," Sofia chuckles and gives a little smile.

"Come on, the meeting is about to begin," Chrysta says.

Chrysta pushes the doors to the protectors castle open, "Hey chiefs, look who I brought."

"Sofia," all the protectors exclaim.

"We can't thank you enough for stopping Vor and saving us," Orion says.

"Well, making me a protector was thanks enough," Sofia says humbly.

"Oh Sofia, we know you would have gotten there even without having to battle Vor," Vega says.

"It's true, we had doubts on choosing Chrysta to train you but Vega had a feeling that you would surprise us all," Galial, the elf, says.

"And you did," Turon, the faun, says.

"You sure did," Chrysta says beaming a smile.

"Now, let's get this meeting started," Vega says.

"Princess Sofia, we understand that this is your first recruitment meeting so we want to explain how this works," Orion looks at Sofia.

"It's okay chief, I already explained it to her," Chrysta interrupts.

"Chrysta, you explained the basics of it but there might be more," Sofia tells her fellow protector.

"She is right, after the battle of Vor we have added another challenge just in case something else arises, we have decided that Prisma will be a challenge that new protectors will have to pass," Vega says.

"Prisma?" Sofia says shocked.

"Don't worry Sofia, it will just be an illusion, Prisma will not have her Terra crystal but it will look like she locked you and a mythical creature in a crystal cage like the one she did when you battled her the first time. It is to see how dedicated they are to being a protector," Orion says.

"It will also show who is willing to do whatever it takes to keep people and creatures safe," Vega says.

"But understand that it will have to be a creature from the isle most important to you, that way it is more meaningful," Orion warns her.

"I understand," Sofia says.

"Does everyone understand the new challenge?" Vega asks all the protectors.

"Yes," they all agree.

"Meeting adjourned," Orion says.

"Sofia, might we see you for a second?" Vega requests.

"Yes?" Sofia comes back to Orion and Vega.

"Sofia, you have a great heart and we know that you have many people to choose from in the EverRealm but you can only choose one, choose wisely," Vega says.

"Yes ma'am," Sofia says.

"Good luck Sofia," Orion says.

"Thank you," Sofia replies with a curtsy. 

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