A Mission in Dounid

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"Minimus," Sofia calls as she enters the stables.

"What's going on Sofia?" Minimus says waking up to see her opening the door to his stall.

"We have to go to Dounid, a Baronga is lost," Sofia says as she takes a saddle from the back wall of the stable, puts it on Minimus, and places the five calm collars in the right pocket of the saddle.

"A Baronga? We gotta get to Dounid. They can do a lot of damage, at least that is what Skye told me," Minimus says as Sofia gets on his back.

"Let's go," Sofia says.

Minimus walks out of the stables as Sofia takes out her bow, "Which way bow, which way to Dounid?"

The bow spins around and flies off, Minimus and Sofia follow the bow to another kingdom to look for a lost magical kitten-like animal. But instead they see Prince Hugo trying to fight two adult Barongas that are breathing fire.

"We may not have found the kitten but we found the adults," Sofia says as they fly closer to the battle.

"Get back," Hugo says as he waves a stick at the Barongas.

Sofia takes two calm collars and jumps on the male Baronga, the Baronga starts to buck trying to get Sofia off him, on the third buck Sofia is able to put the calm collar on him and ease his temper.

"Now the female," Sofia sighs trying to catch her breath, as she catches her breath her amulet begins to glow distracting the female.

After a few minutes Sofia jumps onto the female and is able to get the calm collar on after the first buck.

"Sofia? What are you doing here?" Hugo says walking up to her.

"I heard that a Baronga kitten was lost so I came to find it," Sofia says as she catches her breath fully.

"I'm glad someone knew how to calm that thing down, they almost ruined my suit," Hugo jokes.

"Now I just have to find the kittens, it's a good thing I have handled those before," Sofia says getting on Minimus.

"Do you want help?" Hugo asks.

"That would be great, do you have a flying horse? Minimus won't be able to carry both of us," Sofia takes the offer.

"Sure, let me go get Electra," Hugo says pointing at his castle.

"Okay," Sofia smiles.

"I hope this doesn't take long," Minimus says as Sofia mounts him.

"Me too," Sofia gives a little yawn.

"Sofia, are you there?" Vega's voice comes from her Enchantlet.

"What's wrong Vega?" Sofia answers the chief.

"Now the other two kittens are lost, make sure you find them."

"Don't worry Vega, I will," Sofia says before hanging up.

"Tired?" Hugo asks flying next to Sofia.

"Very, I just hope we can find the kittens before they do more damage."

"So, this is your job?" Hugo says as they fly above the trees.

"What do you mean, my job?" Sofia asks.

"James told me that you were a protector but he didn't know what you did," Hugo says.

"Well, this is one of the things I do," Sofia replies.

Sofia tells the whole story of how she became a protector.

"You protect all the kingdoms on Earth?" Hugo asks.

"That's right," Sofia says.

"That seems like a lot of pressure, more pressure than my dad puts on me in all the sports I play," Hugo comments.

"It might be a lot of pressure but I wouldn't trade it for anything, I love helping people and animals, magical or not," Sofia says.

"What's that?" Sofia hears Electra ask.

Sofia looks down to see three crying Barongas.

"I think we found them," Sofia says.

"Let's go help them," Hugo says diving into the woods.

"Be careful Hugo, even kittens breathe fire," Sofia warns the prince.

"Don't worry Sofia, I got this," Hugo says jumping off Electra and landing on one of the kittens.
The kitten starts to buck and is successful in getting Hugo off him.

"I told you to be careful," Sofia says as she is able to put a calm collar on the angry kitten and not get roasted.

"Now the other two," Sofia says as she is able to get the calm collars on with no bucking what so ever.

The kittens start to calm down as she uses her Enchantlet to make three leashes.

"Are you okay?" Sofia asks as she uses her left hand to help Hugo off the ground.

"Yea, you make that look so easy," Hugo says dusting himself off.

"Come on, let's get these kitties back to their parents," Sofia says walking the three baby Barongas out of the woods.

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