The Isle of Forever Frost

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"Where are we going Sofia?" Clio asks as they ride the unicorns.

"The Isle of Forever Frost. It is an island that always has snow. This is where you are going to improve your feather walking," Sofia says as they land on the Isle of Forever Frost.

"Wow," Clio says amazed at the glimmering snow.

"Okay, let's start," Sofia says getting off of Skye.

"Okay," Clio says as she looks at the snow.

"It's okay Clio, it's just like Freezenberg."

With that comparison Clio feels more comfortable getting off Midnight. As Clio steps onto the ground she ends up sinking into the snow.

"Remember Clio, it's all about balance and muscle control."

"Right, balance and muscle control," Clio repeats what Sofia just said.

Clio jumps back onto the top of the snow and starts to walk again. She ends up sinking a second time.

"Another thing to remember is not to think about it too much, keep your mind clear and just walk. Think of it as ballet meets Enchanted Ice Dancing," Sofia says.

"Okay, I can do this," Clio says getting on top of the snow one more time.

"There you go, you're getting it, if you feel yourself start to wobble spread your arms out, that really helped me."

"Sofia!" A voice calls from behind her.

"Chrysta, what are you doing here?" Sofia asks.

"You forgot these," Chrysta says handing her two calm collars.

"Thanks," Sofia says taking the collars.

"Looks like your trainee is doing pretty good," Chrysta responds with her hands on her hips.

Sofia turns around to see Clio feather walking very fast, almost like a trot.

"Yes, she really is," Sofia says.

"You better get that Baronga, it is sleeping underneath that tree over there," Chrysta says pointing over to a few trees.

"Right, thanks Chrysta," Sofia says.

"Good luck Sofia, looking great Clio!" Chrysta says before flying away.

"Thanks Chrysta," Clio says waving goodbye to the protector.

"You did great Clio," Sofia says.

"Thanks, what's that?" Clio asks pointing to the calm collar.

"It's a calm collar, it's for the next part of the test," Sofia says as they walk towards the trees that Chrysta was talking about.

"Look, a kitty," Clio says as they come up on the baronga.

"It may look cute but it is dangerous, you have to put this calm collar on him. But be careful, Barongas breath fire, that is why we used Crackle," Sofia says giving Clio a calm collar.

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