A Village Restored

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"Are you okay Sofia?" Amber asks.

"I'm just a little worried," Sofia says.

"What's going on?"

"Did I make the right choice?"

"What do you mean, Clio passed all the tests and got her Enchantlet," Amber says.

"I'm just letting my nightmare get to me," Sofia sighs.

"Don't worry about it Sofia, there is always next year, and maybe Hugo will have learned what is important to focus on when being a protector."

"You're right," Sofia smiles.

"We're here Your Highnesses," the coachman says as they land in the village.

"Queen Amber, I tried to be dainty but look what happened," Harrumph points to the roof.

"It's okay Harrumph, we can rebuild it," Amber reassures the Rompkin.

"Sofia, thanks for coming so quickly," Clio says running up to her friend.

"Of course, royalty and protectors help all those in need," Sofia says.

"Do you have the blueprint for the school?" Amber asks walking next to her sister.

"Giz has it," Clio says.

"Here you go Princess," Giz hands a big sheet of paper to Clio.

Clio lays out the parchment so Sofia and Amber can see what needs to be done.

"We can do this," Amber says with a hint of pluck in her tone.

"Can you please bring the supplies out of the coach," Sofia asks the coachman.

The coachman nods and starts bringing over pieces of lumber.

"First, we have to build the frame," Amber takes the lead.

The three princesses along with help from the creatures from the Mystic Isles build the roof in no time.

"Now, we just have to put it on the school, Giz, would you do the honors?" Clio asks.

"I would be honored Princess," the giant says picking up the assembled roof and putting it on the schoolhouse.

"There, all done," Amber says clapping her hands happily.

"Not yet Amber, we still have to secure it from the inside," Sofia says.

"How do we do that?" Clio asks.

"Did Baileywick pack a ladder?" Sofia asks the coachman.

The coachman nods.

"I will also need the bucket of nails we bought."

"What do you need those for?" Clio asks.

"I'll show you, come on I'll need your help," Sofia says as she picks up the ladder.

"So, what do you need our help with?" Clio asks.

"I need you two to hold the ladder steady while I climb up and put these nails in so the roof doesn't fall off if there is a storm," Sofia says as she starts climbing up the ladder.

"Be careful Sofia," Amber says as she and Clio hold the ladder.

After two hours of nailing Sofia climbs down the ladder.

"There, now it's done."

"Let's go tell everyone," Amber says as she runs out of the school.

"That was actually really fun. I'm glad it's over though," Clio says as she and Sofia follow Amber.

"I bet," Sofia says as they walk outside.

"Giz, can you give me a lift?" Clio asks the giant.

"Of course Princess," Giz puts his hand down so Clio can climb onto it, "listen up everybody, the princess has something to say."

"Thank you everyone for helping, Orkney has never looked so good, the kingdom of Corinthia would have never been able to rebuild so fast without your help," Clio announces.

"What do we do now?" A gnome asks.

"Um," Clio says uncertain.

"You go back to the Mystic Isles knowing that you helped someone who is a protector in training," Sofia says.

Giz puts his hand back down and Clio gets off.

"Thanks Giz," Clio says.

"No, thank you Princess," Giz says before they leave.

"Come along Clio, we gotta talk," Sofia says.

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