A Friend Returns

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The three princesses return to Clio's room.

"They have my Enchantlet," Sofia says crying as she pets Crackle.

Clio looks at Sofia and sees how sad and unsure her friend is.

"It's okay Sofia, we will get it back," Clio comforts her friend.

"A protector's Enchantlet is their most powerful tool," Sofia says.

"Sofia, your necklace is glowing," Amber says.

"You look like you need a hug," a familiar voice says.

"Did that snowman just talk?" Clio asks.

"Olaf!" Sofia runs and gives him a hug.

"Hi Sofia, why are you crying?" Olaf says after the embrace.

"My amulet isn't broken, it usually sends princesses, so why did it send you," Sofia says with one last sniffle.

"I don't know but I will try my best to help you again. So, why are you so sad?"

"An evil woman took my Enchantlet," Sofia says taking the handkerchief Amber handed her.

"What's an Enchantlet?" Olaf asks.

"It is a magical bracelet that I use to help people."

"You know Sofia, Anna, Queen Elsa, and our other friends went to a magical place that was under a curse and we had to fix the past to break it."

"What happened?" Clio asks.

"Elsa risked her life for the truth and when all hope seemed lost Anna kept moving forward and did the next right thing," Olaf says.

"I don't know what the next right thing is," Sofia says.

"Anna didn't do it alone, sometimes the people who can help are right next to you. Anna doesn't have any powers, but she found a way to get the job done and free everyone who was trapped in the magical place," Olaf says.

"I don't understand," Sofia replies.

"What he means is that you aren't alone," Amber says.

"So, I don't have to do this by myself," Sofia says.

"There you go Sofia," Olaf says.

"Your disappearing," Clio says.

"Looks like I helped you, good luck Sofia," Olaf says before disappearing completely.

"So how are we going to get your Enchantlet back?" Clio asks.

"Not we, me. I know I can't do it alone but I can't call any other protector without my Enchantlet," Sofia says.

"You don't need other protectors, you have us," Amber says.

"I don't want to put you in danger," Sofia says.

"Think of this as the Prisma part of the test, I mean we are actually fighting Prisma," Amber says.

"But you guys don't have any powers, at least I have my amulet."

"The snowman said that his friend didn't have any powers," Clio says.

"True," Sofia responds.

"I helped you defeat Vor and I don't have any powers," Amber says.

"But there were more than just three of us," Sofia says.

Sofia looks down in dispair almost as if she is going to give up.

"You said that being royal means being loyal. How can we be loyal if we don't help those who count on us, who count on you?" Amber says.

"You're right Amber, let's draw up a plan," Sofia says regaining her faith.

"I'm coming too," Crackle says.

"No Crackle, you should stay here."

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