Visiting Zumaria

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"Princess Sofia, time to wake up," Violet says in a sing song tone.

"Morning Violet," Sofia says in a groggy tone.

"Your purple dress?" the servant assumes.

"No, I have protector business so I will need my outfit," Sofia informs her.

"Of course, My Lady," she says.

"Sofia, are you ready?" Amber asks walking into her sister's room.

"Almost, we need to have two other gems for the Prisma challenge," Sofia says.

"No problem, I have a ruby and a diamond," Amber says taking the jewels out of her backpack.

"But what are we going to use for the Baronga situation? I don't want to have a real one in the Ever Realm because they are very dangerous, their flame can reach up to five feet," Sofia explains.

"What about Crackle? She can breath fire and I'm sure Vivian will let her help us," Amber suggests.

"True, and Vivian helped defeat Vor so she knows what I do," Sofia smiles.

"So, are we ready?" Amber asks.

"Yep, do you have the parchment?" Sofia asks.

"Put it in my backpack last night," Amber says taking out the parchment paper.

"We better have Cedric make some cages for the part of the test where they have to save me," Sofia says.

"What do you mean they have to save you?"

"Remember when we were in the dancing desert and Prisma trapped us in those cages?"

"Don't remind me," Amber says.

"They are doing something like that, it will show how dedicated they will be to helping protect the Ever Realm."

"So you have to be in a cage and the nominee has to figure out which is the shatter stone," Amber realizes the idea.

"Yep," Sofia says taking the shatter stone out of her desk, "can I put this in your backpack"?

"Of course," Amber says opening her backpack.

The breakfast bell rings.

"Thanks Violet," Sofia says as she and her sister rush out of the room.

"You two are certainly eating fast," King Roland says to his daughters.

"I have three days to choose my protector nominee and Amber is helping me," Sofia says.

"That is wonderful," Queen Miranda says.

"We will be gone most of the day," Amber says.

"As long as you are home for dinner," King Roland says.

"Dad, can we use a flying coach? We have to go to Corinthia and Dounid," Sofia asks.

"Of course, Baileywick get a coach ready."

"Yes your Majesty," Baileywick says walking out of the dining hall.

"Can we be excused? We have to do one more thing before we leave," Sofia asks as she and Amber finish their breakfast.

"Of course," Queen Miranda says.

Amber and Sofia go to Cedric's workshop and knock on the door.

"Come in," Cedric responds.

"Mr. Cedric we need your help," Sofia says as they walk into the room.

"Of course Princesses, what can I do for you?"

"I need you to create three cages," Sofia says.

"Three cages?" Cedric says curious.

"We need them for a test we are giving," Amber says.

"Oh okay," Cedric says getting his family wand out of the box Sofia made for him.

"Let's go out to the coach so the servants won't have to carry them too far," Amber says thinking of others.

Cedric and the princesses walk out to the courtyard where there is no coach.

"The coach will be here in a second," Suzette, Amber's lady in waiting, says walking out of the palace.

"Thank you Suzette," Amber says.

"You also forgot this in your room," Suzette hands Amber a locket.

"Thank you so much," Amber says putting the locket around her neck.

"There's the coach," Sofia says as the flying coach gets closer to them.

The guard opens the door and the princesses get in with help from the servants.

"To Zumaria, please," Amber requests.

The coachman nods then whips the reins.

"Why did you bring a locket? We don't need to be dressed fancy for this," Sofia says.

"A Buttercup is always prepared," Amber reminds her sister.

"You're wearing your uniform," Sofia realizes.

"I thought it would be more comfortable than a gown," Amber says.

"But we don't need a locket," Sofia says.

"This isn't just a locket, it has a watch. When you told me that you had to get your Enchantlet by sunset I thought it would be a good idea to have something to keep time with," Amber says.

"And I thought I was always prepared," Sofia jokes.

"We are here Your Majesties," the coachman announces getting off his seat and opening the door to the coach.

"Thank you," Amber says as she steps down.

"We will only be a few minutes," Sofia says as she gets out of the coach.

The coachman nods.

Amber and Sofia walk up to the castle and knock on the door.

"Sofia, Amber, what a nice surprise," the queen says.

"Hi Queen Cecily, is Vivian home?" Sofia asks.

"Yes, she is in the garden, follow me," the queen says leading them to her daughter.

"Your castle looks great," Amber says.

"Thank you, here we are. Feel free to look around the garden while you are here," Cecily says.

"These are amazing," Amber says as she walks over to some dandelions that are playing music.

"Look Amber, there's Vivian," Sofia says redirecting her sister's attention.

"Sofia!" Crackle says flying out of Vivian's lap and cuddling up to Sofia.

"Hi Crackle," Sofia says.

"Is Clover with you?"

"No, Clover is at my castle, I am on a mission," Sofia says ending the cuddle.

"Sofia, Amber, what are you doing here?" Vivian walks over to her friends.

"We have to give a test so Sofia can decide who will help her protect the Ever Realm. Can Crackle help us? We need an animal that can breathe fire," Amber says.

"Looks like she would love to," Vivian says as Crackle flies over between Sofia and Amber.

"So, is that a yes?" Sofia asks.

"Of course," Vivian says.

"We will bring her back after we are done," Amber says.

"Okay, good luck," Vivian says to her friends as she walks them to the entrance of the castle.

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