Messenger Fairy

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"Amber?" Sofia asks knocking on her sister's door.

"Sofia? What's going on?" Amber says as she opens the door.

"I need your help," Sofia says still standing on the other side of the door.

"With what?" Amber asks.

"The chief protectors said that I could have help figuring out who I will nominate but I make the final decision. Can I sleep in your room?" Sofia asks.

"Of course, come on in," Amber opens up both doors and lets her sister into her room.

"Thanks Amber," Sofia hugs her sister.

"So, what did you have to do to get your Enchantlet?" Amber asks.

"I had to learn how to control my muscles so I could sneak past a magical animal who was guarding the cave that holds the Enchantlets and I had to learn how to tame an unruly animal in case I got caught while trying get past the animals guarding the cave," Sofia explains what she did the first day she met Chrysta and started protector training.

"Sofia?" a male voice comes from her Enchantlet.

"Yes, I'm here," Sofia answers the call.

"Sofia, a baby Baronga got separated from its clowder in Dounid," Orion says. 

"Barongas are very protective of their young, if the baby isn't found soon then the clowder will destroy Dounid. I am sending a messenger fairy to give you five calm collars, the lost Baronga is one of  five in Dounid, good luck Sofia," Vega adds before disconnecting.

"What are Barongas?" Amber asks her sister.

"A very aggressive cat that can breath fire, you should stay here," Sofia tells her sister.

"But I want to go with you," Amber replies following Sofia back to her room.

"Amber, baby Barongas are the size of an adult jaguar and their flame can reach up to five feet, it's not safe for you to come with me because you don't have the training, it's for your safety Amber, please," Sofia says changing to her protector outfit.

"Okay, but be careful," Amber tells her sister.

"I will. Promise," Sofia hugs her sister.

There is a tap on the window, Sofia opens it to find a fairy holding five calm collars.

"Princess Sofia?" the fairy asks.

"I'm her," Sofia shows her Enchantlet as proof.

"My name is Karleste, messenger fairy of the Mystic Isles. Vega wanted me to give you these calm collars," Karleste says giving Sofia the special collars.

"Thank you," Sofia says taking the collars.

"Good luck princess," Karleste says before flying away.

"Thank you," Sofia says.

"Good luck Sofia, I will cover for you," Amber says giving her a hug.

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