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Naomi looked up at the gray sky, a small sigh emitting from her nose as she hopped up and sat down on a stone, resting her chin in her hand as her elbow was on her knee with her other arm across her lap. She didn't know how long she had been trapped, but she knew it had been long enough to watch her father figure pass on, but she wasn't able to see him before he crossed over with her mother. She made sure to watch over the man she called father, feeling bad when she wasn't able to help him when he needed it, not being able to take his pain away over the loss of his wife and daughter. He never remarried, he wasn't even able to look at his son while he mourned, and she was with him when he passed on.

But after that, she kept her eye on the dagger that killed her mother, following it where ever it had gone, but she needed to return to where her body was every once in a while because she would become weak. When she was at her full energy, she would venture out and stay with the dagger, which caused some monks and priestesses to say that a vengeful spirit is attached to it, causing Naomi to roll her eyes every time she heard it. But what shocked her the most, was the fact that the dagger was placed on display by a monk, and for years after, the dagger was never touched again, Naomi being the only one to know that it was stained by the blood of an innocent.

After that, knowing the dagger had stayed in the same spot, Naomi went back to her body, which was located in a field of many stones, a place people believe to be haunted with evil spirits, but Naomi hasn't seen a single person since she left the resting place of the dagger. Many years after that, she had seen many bright lights can throughout the sky, the sight had been beautiful, but she had a bad feeling when she saw them, but she never left the field. During the day, the field was bright green with small flowers, but at night was when the fog rolled in, covering the grass, clouds rolling in, threatening to rain and giving the whole field a very bad vibe, the stones becoming a darker gray. This place had been her home for many years, knowing what was beneath each stone and knowing the perfect places to hide. Not that she'd need to hide, it's not like anyone could see her.

The soft chirp of crickets filled the cold night air, but Naomi couldn't feel it. It was the one thing she wished she could feel, the cool night air, the warm sun on her skin and the droplets of rain, some of the few things she longed for. She didn't know when she was going to be able to do the things she's wanted to do, which always put a damper on her mood. On the bright side, she was able to stay awake the whole time, which gave her the opportunity to see beautiful sunrises and sunsets, she would go to a clearing in the woods and watch the stars glisten in the night sky, with the moon shining brightly as she laid down on the green grass. Another thing she longed to feel. The grass tickling her skin, even smelling the rain, simple things she never thought she would miss.

Naomi let out a small sigh through her nose, dropping her hand to her lap and looking around the field for a moment, hopping off the stone she was sat on and walked to the entrance of the field, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against another stone, looking out into the treeline. Her ears suddenly perked up when she heard a noise that didn't belong, her head tilting to the side slightly, like a confused pup as the noise slowly began to grow louder, her arms uncrossing from her chest as she stood straight. She watched as a figure emerged from the treeline, dressed in white, and from what she could see, fur over his right shoulder and armor over the other. A two headed dragon stepped out from behind him, as if following their master, Naomi's ears twitching slightly when she heard something else,

"Lord Sesshomaru?" The voice of a child asked, fear and uncertainty etched in her voice "are you sure it's okay to pass through this field at night?"

"Foolish girl, you act as if you're afraid!" An annoying voice exclaimed

"Jaken" a monotone voice said "let her be"

"Y - yes, Mi'Lord" the voice stuttered

"There is no reason to have fear, Rin" he continued "nothing will harm you in this field. We will rest when we pass through"

It had been some time since Naomi heard the voices of others, the smallest of smiles forming on her lips, but she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows slightly.

Why would they want to pass through the field? Most think it's haunted

She watched as the child slid off the back of the two headed dragon, most likely wanting to stretch her legs for a little while, something Naomi also missed - since she couldn't really physically feel anything. The child paused for a moment, it seemed as if she were looking straight at Naomi, but she wouldn't hope for it, no one had been able to see her for a long time. She continued walking, but she never removed her eyes from Naomi,

"Lord Sesshomaru?" The child - Rin - asked "who is that woman?" pointing in Naomi's direction

In confusion, Naomi turned her head slightly, but no one else was around her, causing her to look back at the child,

"There is no one there, you silly girl!" The annoying voice - Jaken - protested

"But there is, Master Jaken" she replied "she's standing right there!" pointing to Naomi once more

"Foolish girl!" Jaken replied "we have no time for your silly games!"

"But she's right there!" Rin argued

Suddenly, the child broke out into a run, earning protests from Jaken, Naomi watching as the distance between them grew shorter as Rin grew closer, and if it were possible, the color draining from Naomi's face. Rin suddenly came to a stop in front of Naomi, her breathing slightly heavy as she looked up at her,

"Hello, miss!" Rin said happily

". . . You can see me?" Naomi asked in shock

"Of course I can!" She said with a bright smile "you're standing right in front of me!"

"No one has been able to see me for a long time" Naomi whispered

"Why not?" Rin asked curiously

". . . I'm trapped here" she said softly "imprisoned in stone"

To prove it, Naomi kneeled down in front of Rin, hesitantly holding out her hand, Rin instantly placing her hand in Naomi's, but the look of shock forming on her face when her hand went right through.

"Can't you leave?" Rin asked softly

"My body is imprisoned in stone" Naomi said softly "someone has to set me free" Rin's face suddenly brightening

"Lord Sesshomaru can set you free!" She said happily

"You foolish girl!" Jaken shouted "you know not to run off like that!"

"But Master Jaken, she needs help!" Rin protested

"There is no one here!" He argued

"Yes there is!" She said "she's trapped here! In the stone!"

"Rin" Sesshomaru said as he approached "is what you say, true?"

"Yes, my Lord" she said honestly as Naomi stood straight "she's been imprisoned. She wants to be set free. Please help her, Lord Sesshomaru! Please!"

"Lord Sesshomaru will not waste his time with such a lie!" Jaken protested, crossing his arms over his chest

Ignoring Jaken, Rin turned and looked up at Naomi, who thought that this might be the chance to be free, causing her to turn and walk further into the field, Rin following her, much to Jaken's dismay. The stone in which her body lay wasn't far from where they were, Sesshomaru noticing a faint glow within the round stone that laid in front of him, seeing that kind of power once before, which was meant to imprison one in an attempt to take their power, which can only be seen by demons.

"She speaks the truth" Sesshomaru informed

Sesshomaru removed Bakusaiga from it's sheath, suddenly striking at the faint glow. A moment passed before a crack began to form, a gasp emitted from Naomi as she felt herself being sucked into the stone.


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