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"What the hell are you doing here!?" Inuyasha demanded

Naomi snapped her gaze away from Sesshomaru, looking over to the others,

"That is none of your business, Inuyasha" Sesshomaru replied, nearly spitting out his name

"It is too!" He shouted "I wasted all this time tracking that thing!"

"No one asked for our help, Inuyasha" Sango replied, trying to reason with him

Ignoring his next outburst, Naomi looked around, feeling a pair of small arms wrapping around her legs, knowing it was Rin, causing her to place a comforting hand on her head. Her eyes made contact with a pair of fiery red, her eyebrows furrowing slightly when she looked at the other four fox demons, who had been looking at her with mixed emotions.

". . . Akira?" Naomi asked

"It is you" the female fox demon with fiery red hair replied

"Oh my goodness" one of the elder foxes replied, tears forming in her eyes

Naomi began to walk toward them, only to be stopped by Sesshomaru, who tightened his arm around her waist, enough to where she looked up at him, only to see that he was still looking at Inuyasha with distain. She hesitantly placed a hand on Sesshomaru's chest, which caused him to look down at her,

". . . You can let go" Naomi said softly "I'm okay, now"

She felt his arm slowly leave her waist, almost as if he was reluctant to let her go, allowing her to drop her hand to her side, gently patting Rin on the head, causing her to let go, allowing Naomi only to take off into a run to the other fox demons, but first embracing one of the elders, who wrapped her arms around her in return. It is normal for fox demons to grow a strong bond, even with the males - who are usually kicked out because of their growth in dominance - but this wasn't the case. The two male fox demons that were there had not shown signs of dominance, which allowed them to stay, and it also meant that their mates were the same way, and when a fox mates with another, they mate for life. One by one, Naomi hugged the fox demons she once knew,

"Oh, Naomi!" Amaya said happily - one of the elders "you have grown so much since we last saw you"

"How have you been?" Hiroki asked

"Where have you been?" Hikaru asked - Akira's twin brother

"You're hair is so long!" Akira said with a smile

"Where's Hotaru?" Hana asked curiously

Naomi's smile slowly fell from her lips, looking at one of the women that had become a mother figure to her when she was a child, taking a small step back, feeling their eyes pierced through her, clearly wanting answers.

". . . You don't know?" Naomi asked, looking at them

"Know what?" Amaya asked, looking at the young fox demon

"We haven't heard anything since we parted" Hikaru added

"Did something happen?" Akira asked

"Oka-san . . . " Naomi trailed off " . . . she's dead . . . she was murdered"

Hana and Amaya gasped in shock, covering their mouths as they looked at her,

"Dead?" Akira asked

"Murdered?" Hiroki asked "how . . . ?"

"Who would do such a thing?" Hikaru asked

Naomi was about to answer, but stopped when she felt a small tug on her kimono, causing her to look down, seeing Rin standing there, holding Fenikkusu by it's hilt, looking up at her with those big brown eyes. A small smile formed on her lips, reaching down and gently taking her blade back, putting it in its sheath and placing a hand on top of her head, watching as a happy smile formed on the child's lips. She looked back at her childhood friends, explaining everything from the very beginning, watching the sadness in their eyes. Sesshomaru looked at Naomi, ignoring Inuyasha's rants, watching as she explained everything, almost down to the smallest detail. It was sad for her, yes. But she had also felt a tinge of happiness when she saw them again, watching as their eyes widened when she got to the part of slaying demons on her own.

"Naraku?" Hiroki asked, looking at her, earning a nod

"And you wish to kill him with the dagger that murdered Hotaru?" Hikaru asked, earning another small nod

"Yeah, well get in line!" Inuyasha shouted, clearly listening in on their conversation

"Inuyasha!" Sango scolded

"What!?" He asked, clearly ticked off "we all know Naraku did something to all of us to make us want to kill him - "

"Yes, but this was before he became a demon" she replied

Naomi rolled her eyes slightly at the sound of their bickering, turning back to the people she once knew,

"Stay here for the night" Hana said, looking at Naomi "I'm sure you and your daughter could do with some hot food and a nice rest"

"Rin?" Naomi asked, looking at her "she's . . she's not mine" shaking her head slightly

"Oh?" Hana asked, becoming flustered "I - I just assumed because . .  well, the way you let her cling to you"

"She's just protecting the child, oka-san" Akira answered "it is what any unmated female does, you know that. I was the same way before I found mine"

"Ah, yes" she replied, nodding slightly "forgive me, I'm just getting a bit old"

"So, will you stay?" Amaya asked

". . It's not up to me" Naomi said, looking at them, seeing their confusion "I've been travelling with Lord Sesshomaru" gesturing toward said demon "I believe it's his decision"

Naomi looked back at the dog demon, and from the look Sesshomaru gave her, she instantly knew what his answer had been, causing a small sigh to emit from her nose, looking back at the others. Amaya's face slowly fell, Naomi smiling sadly, but she was thankful to see them again, even if it was for a short period of time. Looking back at Sesshomaru again, she noticed that he was watching her, wanting to see what she would do next, a sudden thought forming in her mine,

"But . . ." Naomi trailed off, turning back to Amaya "I do know that we are in need some supplies before we go" watching as their ears perked up "so . . . maybe you can help me get around the shops and help me get what we need?"

"Of course!" Hana said happily

"Come!" Amaya added, gently grasping her hand, leading her toward the village

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