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Jaken was with Rin as they went to go catch fish, Naomi was leaning back against A-Un as she read the letter in her covered hands. She felt a small nudge on the side of her head, causing her to look up, smiling softly when she saw the eyes of Un looking back at her, reaching up rubbing his nose. He let out a small purr like noise, closing his eyes and lowering his head to the grass, Naomi's eyes looking back at the letter in her hands as a small sigh emitted from her nose.

'How could my power be more stronger than his own?' Naomi thought '. . . Why wasn't he there when I needed him? He could have stopped him before he murdered her'

Naomi felt a presence behind her, causing her to fold the letter back up and stick it in her bag, looking over her shoulder and seeing Sesshomaru standing there, who had managed to read who the letter was from, which had also proven his theories correct. She looked back at the floor, leaning farther back against A-Un and letting out a small sigh through her nose, Kaze landing on her lap, a small smile forming on her lips, raising her hand and softly rubbing his head. The creature didn't seem to mind that her hands were always covered by the sleeves of her kimono, but he also wouldn't mind of her claws scratched behind his ears every once in a while. The only time Naomi would raise her sleeves from her hands is when she would catch fish, skewer them or use her blade, the last one seeming to be every once in a while now, she figured Sesshomaru simply forced other demons away because of his aura.

Her body stiffened as a hand was unexpectedly placed on her shoulder, causing her to slowly look to her right, seeing that the hand belonged to Sesshomaru, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion. She didn't know that he felt sympathy for Naomi, and it was the first time he had comforted her or even willingly touched her, it was strange for both of them. After a minute or so, Sesshomaru's hand fell from Naomi's shoulder as he walked away, the female fox demon could still feel the touch of his hand, as if it were still there, but he had already positioned himself on a thick branch of a tree, looking at Naomi for a moment, before looking out to the light blue sky. A small sigh emitted from her nose as she leaned back against against the two headed dragon, leaning her head back as she looked up at the sky as well, her ears falling limp as her body relaxed.

Her deep blue eyes looked up at the clouds, making out different shapes as she patiently waited for Rin and Jaken to return. But she didn't know that Sesshomaru would glance at her every now and then, looking at her calm features, her ears laying limp on her head as she leaned back against A-Un, as if she didn't have a care in the world. By looking at the letter from over her shoulder, he had proven his theories correct, he knew who Naomi's father was, which also meant that he knew exactly what she was and how strong her power could be, with the correct training of course. However, with the amount of strength her power could hold, means that she's also in danger from other and much stronger demons, ones that may stop at nothing to challenge her or even kill her.

Because of that, it would only mean that Sesshomaru had to protect her as well as train her to make sure she didn't hurt Rin. He knew Naomi would do anything to protect Rin, he could see her maternity instincts whenever he saw them together, and how hesitant Naomi is when it comes to Rin going off on her own, even if she was with Jaken. The fox demon would always be concerned over Rin, as if she were her own daughter.

"Naomi!" Rin shouted happily as she ran from the treeline "Naomi! Look how many fish we caught!" dragging a woven basket behind her

A motherly smile formed on Naomi's lips as she brought her head forward slightly, Sesshomaru watching as Rin ran up to her with the basket full of fish,

"Well done, Rin" Naomi praised with a smile "how about we get a fire started? These will make a nice meal tonight"

"Okay!" Rin replied enthusiastically

Since Sesshomaru requested Naomi to rest while Rin went to catch fish, Naomi sat on the grass, as Kaze flew back and forth, gathering stones and bringing them to her so she could make a fire pit. Rin went to gather twigs to feed the fire, Jaken would occasionally bring a log to help out, Sesshomaru watching as Naomi smiled as she showed Rin how to start a fire in case she would ever be alone for any reason. As the sun began to set, the fire was lit, warming them up and protecting them from the cold breeze, the fish being skewered with strong sticks, Naomi rotating them every once in a while to make sure they cook evenly. Kaze kept himself nested in her lap, cleaning off his nose, Naomi gently rubbed his ears, a small sigh emitting from her nose, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as her ears suddenly perked up, twitching slightly as they located the sound, which was actually approaching.

Her eyes moved over to the treeline, slowly standing to her feet, which gained Sesshomaru's attention, causing him to jump down from his spot on the tree, landing next to Naomi while Kaze flew up and landed on the saddle of A-Un.

"Something's coming" Naomi said softly, but only he heard

"Rin, get behind Naomi" Sesshomaru instructed

The little girl knew not to question him, causing her to get up from the grass and run over to Naomi, getting behind her and clutching the fabric of her kimono in fear,

"What is it, Mi'Lord?" Jaken asked, standing next to Sesshomaru

Naomi lifted the sleeve of her right hand, grasping the hilt of Fenikkusu as a rustling of the bushed filled her ears, she could feel the aura that that was approaching, Sesshomaru stepping in front of them as a demon stumbled out from the bushes. To others, he looked like a human, but they could feel his power, weaker than Naomi's and Sesshomaru's, but he could still do some damage. He was a forest demon, his hair and skin covered in dirt, rags for clothes, hair dirty and matted, but he looked healthy.

"Are you Naomi?" He asked, his voice rough, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time

"Why would a filthy demon like you wish to know!?" Jaken screeched "just remove yourself if you wish to - "

"Jaken" Sesshomaru said sharply

The imp yelped slightly, lowering his head out of respect, the forest demon looking at the two of them, his eyes softening when he saw Rin cowering behind Naomi,

"I mean no harm" the demon said "my name is Katashi, I only come to give a warning to Naomi"

Sesshomaru's narrowed his eyes at the forest demon, Naomi's hand tightening on the hilt of Fenikkusu, in case a fight would happen,

"I'm a forest demon" Katashi continued "I can have eyes everywhere, when I want it. Naraku is growing stronger as the days go by, and he knows Naomi has been released" looking at Sesshomaru, then to the fox demon "he's coming for you"

". . . Why are you telling us this?" Naomi asked "you owe us nothing"

". . He has done terrible things" he answered "to humans and demons alike. I only wish for his death to come sooner so this nightmare can end. Surely you can understand that"

" . . . Thank you for the warning, Katashi" she said "it seems I'll be seeing my little brother soon"

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