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A gasp emitted from Naomi as she suddenly shot up into a sitting position, her eyes scanning her surroundings, a small body clashing with hers, her arm instinctively wrapping around it while her other hand braced herself from falling back.

"Naomi!" Rin said happily "it's been three days, you're finally awake!"

She looked down, seeing that Rin was the one who clashed with her, causing a soft smile to form on her lips, picking up her other hand and placing it on top of her head, comforting the child. Naomi noticed that they were also moving, which told her that they had been riding on the back of A-Un, who also suddenly stopped, causing her to look up from Rin, seeing Sesshomaru standing in front of them. It had still surprised her that then powerful dog demon of the Western Lands had actually helped calm her down from creating more trouble with the storm. She had a feeling that there had been quite a bit of damage, but she didn't know for sure. Hell, she didn't even know where they were at that moment.

Sesshomaru looked at Naomi, then turning around and walking ahead of them, the woman following him with her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing slightly at his posture, which had been more rigid than when they had their first encounter. Naomi gently slid off the back of A-Un, holding on to the saddle for support as she suddenly walked on her slightly weakened legs, all while keeping her hold on Rin.

"Stay on A-Un" Naomi said softly, looking at the child "I have to speak with Lord Sesshomaru for a moment"

Rin gave her a nod, allowing her to sit her on the saddle as she gained more feeling in her legs, allowing her to step away from the two headed dragon and pick up her pace to catch up with the white haired dog demon. He kept his gaze forward as he felt her presence closer to him,

"You should be resting" Sesshomaru said

". . . Thank you" Naomi replied "for helping me" earning a hum in response "but why did you?"

"You were a danger to Rin" he responded "there was no chance - "

"That's not the reason" she said, standing in front of him

Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks as he looked down at her with narrowed eyes, she may have just woken up, but he wasn't afraid to put her in her place if needed. But he watched as Naomi's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she looked into his eyes, taking a small step back from him and shaking her head slightly,

". . You know" Naomi said ". . you know what I am, don't you?"

"I have my theories" he replied

"Am I dangerous?" She asked, refusing to look away

"You hold great power" he said "but the strength you have is - "

"Just answer my question" she said lowly

Naomi was too stubborn to back down, even if she wasn't up to fighting speed just yet, she needed to know,

". . . Am I too dangerous to be around Rin?" Naomi asked softly "or do I need to leave?"

She noticed that Sesshomaru's eyes softened slightly at the mention of the human child, an innocent child who had been protected by him for a long time. The thing he had noticed the most was the fact that Naomi was going through all of these sudden changes, but she was still worried about others safety over her own. She would always put others before herself, something Hotaru was proud of, but Naomi would kill without hesitation if it meant protecting those she cared about, even if it meant sacrificing herself. That was now the only thing Naraku knew about her. He no longer knew how strong she actually was or what she was capable of doing and that's what truly threatened him from the plans he wished to follow through with in order to take her power.

It was true that Sesshomaru had his theories of what Naomi was, he had seen that power before from another demon who was close friends with his father, and since Naomi didn't know who her father was, there is a chance she could be his offspring. Except she was different than him. Very different.

". . . Stay" Sesshomaru said

With that one word, Sesshomaru walked around Naomi and continued on, causing her to look at him, at a loss for words. But she easily figured it out. If Naomi was too dangerous to be around Rin, then Sesshomaru would have told her to leave and not return. So it would only mean that she actually was dangerous, but could learn to control whatever was happening to her, she just didn't know what to do or where to start. A small sigh emitted from her nose, shaking her head slightly as she followed Sesshomaru, picking up her pace to catch up with him, walking at his side with her hands clasped in front of her, but her head had been lowered slightly. He could feel her presence again, but she didn't say a word, neither of them did, and Sesshomaru knew she was worried about what was happening to her.

The small group was silent, none of them making a sound, Rin looking at the two demons ahead of them, growing slightly worried for Naomi, but she would make sure to ask about it later. Naomi's bare feet softly padded against the dirt trail as she walked a step behind Sesshomaru, who hadn't said anything against it, knowing she needed some time to think about some things. Its not every day where you find out you're something else as well as a fox demon. She just didn't know what. But she was still going to travel with them and hopefully Sesshomaru tells her the theories he has on what she is, if not, then she was going to have to pry it out of him. No one else knows this, but Naomi has a special skill of being annoying until people tell her what she wants to know, she just hope she doesn't have be.

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