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"What do you mean it's not here?" Naomi asked, looking at the priestess

After they had taken down the demon, Naomi had gone to the place were they kept the dagger, only to see that it had somehow been a fake and they just wanted to make others think that they had the dagger that was attached to an evil spirit. But the priestess just got done telling her that it was a fake, causing anger to course through Naomi, but she didn't let it show. A small sigh emitted from her nose, closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly, calming herself down before she accidentally hurt someone, and she didn't ever want to do that. The priestess had a guilty look on her features, looking down at the floor in shame,

"Where. Is. The dagger?" Naomi asked slowly

". . . I wanted it to be at it's first and last resting place" the priestess said softly "in a village a few days journey from here. Where two fox demons were able to live there in harmony"

Naomi looked at her, only to see that she was still looking to the floor in shame, the female fox demon placing a hand on her shoulder, causing the priestess to look up at her,

"I am one of those demons" Naomi said softly "I was imprisoned by my brother, and my mother was murdered by him" watching her eyes widen "I need that dagger, so I can kill him, and put her soul to rest. Are you sure it's there?"

"Yes" she answered honestly "I put it there myself. I buried it"

"Where?" She asked "I need to know exactly where"


Naomi walked out of the hut, Shippo looking at her and watching as she walked past them to the entrance of the village,

"Naomi?" Shippo asked, following her "where are you going?"

"I have to go back" she answered "to my village, there's something I need"

"What is it?" He asked curiously "I could come with you?"

"I'm afraid not, Shippo" she said softly, stopping and kneeling down, looking at him "this is something I have to do on my own"

"You're leaving?" Sango asked

"I have to" Naomi answered, standing straight

"No, you don't" Kagome said "we can help you"

"Not with this" she replied softly

"Let her go!" Inuyasha said "she wouldn't last a day out there, anyway"

"I'm stronger than you think, Inuyasha" Naomi replied "I can take care of myself, just fine"

"You're not even fully recovered yet!" He shouted

"But I can still take care of myself" she said "you've seen it"

"And what happens if you get hurt!?" He shouted, standing in front of her "just because you've had it easy from the start does not mean it will be easy if you're out there on your own and - "

"Easy from the start?" She asked, cutting him off "easy from the start!? You don't know what it was like for me, Inuyasha! To be imprisoned in stone by your own brother out of jealousy. To be outside of your body where no one can see you, hear you or feel you"

He became silent, Kagome's eyes widening in shock at what Naomi has said. Since she tagged along with them, Naomi has not spoken a word of what happened to her, so it was surprising to everyone when they heard of what happened. But she wasn't finished yet,

". . . I tried to tell them, but they couldn't hear me" Naomi continued "they couldn't see me, even if I was right in front if them, just like I am now. I tried to lead my mother in the direction where my body was, only to have my hand go right through her, and I felt so much pain, knowing they wouldn't find me. So I had no choice but to watch. Day and night, they searched for me. They called out to me, I was right under their nose, and they had no clue. My mother never stopped, she believed I was still alive, she never gave up hope. And then I watched her die, stabbed in the back and in the heart, murdered by her own son, so don't you dare say I had it easy from the start"

Naomi has tears in her eyes, threatening to fall, but she wouldn't let them, making sure to keep the promise she made.

"Screw you, Inuyasha" Naomi said

Suddenly, Inuyasha was thrown back, a red mark forming on his cheek as Naomi's hand fell to her side, shaking her slightly, turning around and walking away before she did something she might regret.

"Naomi!" Sango shouted, going after her "Naomi, wait!"

"Goodbye, Sango" Naomi said, ignoring her plea "take care of Shippo and Kirara for me"

Sango stopped, watching as her friend walked away without another word,

"You made her leave!" Shippo accused

"That was a low blow, Inuyasha" Miroku said "even for you"


Naomi leaped from tree to tree, deciding that it would faster if she traveled that way, and she was making great timing. She needed that dagger, she needed it for she can kill the person who brought her morning but pain, and she will stop at nothing until she gets it. Killing the person that killed her mother may be the only thing that takes her pain away, and she was fine with that, she just hoped that no other innocent people would get hurt along the way. But the one thing that was still on her mind, was the fact that humans are sometimes worse than demons, she learned that the hard way when the person she called brother trapped her in stone and killed her mother, and lived his life like nothing ever happened.

Her travels were silent as she leaped from tree to tree, no one except a demon would be able to hear her and that's just the way she liked it as she made her way back to the same place she once called home.

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