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Naomi walked alongside Sesshomaru, Jaken trailed behind them while pulling the reins of A-Un, Rin riding on the saddle, three days had passed since the warning from Katashi, and all Naomi could do was think about how Naraku found out she had been set free. She had been quiet for those three days, only speaking to Rin whenever her curious mind had a question, but other than that, she wouldn't say much, and Sesshomaru noticed this. Without her knowing, he was actually watching her, making sure she didn't do anything stupid, like going after Naraku on her own when she knew she wasn't strong enough to face him. Yet. Naomi doesn't know how strong she really is because she hasn't tapped into that power, she doesn't even know what kind of power she has and she hasn't shifted into her fox. But Sesshomaru could feel it wanting to claw it's way to the surface.

But she just doesn't realize it.

A soft breeze suddenly flew their way, causing Naomi to close her eyes as she felt it brush through her hair like a soothing touch, a small smile forming on her lips when her ears twitched, listening to the wind flow through the trees, making music with the branches and leaves. Her hair flowed four inches below her knees, deep black with a slight tinge of blue, matching her dark blue eyes, but only her face matched her mother's. If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was a spitting image. A small sigh emitted from her nose, opening her eyes and looking ahead, walking with Sesshomaru as they made their way from the treeline, which revealed a beautiful green field, wildflowers growing in patches and trees surrounding it. Naomi's ear twitched when she heard Rin giggle from behind her, sliding from the saddle of A-Un and running around, but making sure to stay in their line of vision.

". . . You're worried" Sesshomaru spoke up "about the warning"

"I'm not worried" Naomi replied "I'm just wondering when he'll strike . . . or if I'll be strong enough to face him"

"You will be strong enough" he said

"How do you know?" She asked softly, looking at the floor

"I'll make sure of it" he answered

Naomi looked up at him, genuinely surprised at his answer, but a small smile formed on her lips, giving him a small nod before she looked forward once more. The green grass felt good against Naomi's bare feet as they began to walk up a hill, but her eyebrows furrowed slightly as her ears perked up, twitching as she picked up her speed, walking ahead of Sesshomaru and making her way to the top of the hill. She stopped suddenly when she saw a demon approaching a village, which was in a valley of other large mountains, but from what she saw, it would be a bit difficult for them to get away, only because their only safest route is where the demon had come from. The demon looked as if it was made of wood, but she watched as embers flew from him as he moved, horns on his head with the face of a skull.

But the demon looked was actually burning from the inside, not damaging the wood, like it wasn't bothering him. Naomi's ears twitched when she heard paws hitting the grass, three large foxes running at the demon at full force in an attempt to kill it. One of the foxes had been a russet color, the other two seemed to be a fiery red, the female's tale was tipped in white, while the male's was tipped in black. Naomi stepped forward, only to have a hand firmly grasp her arm, pulling her back, causing her to look up, seeing that it was Sesshomaru,

"Let me go" Naomi demanded "they need help"

She tried to pull away from his hold, but nothing seemed to work as she began to struggle,

"You would risk your life for humans?" Sesshomaru asked "especially when a human killed your mother?" causing Naomi to stop

She looked at the village, hearing some of them scream in fear and the crying of children, she could see mother's picking them up, running away from the danger, having no choice but to head toward the mountains that surrounded them.

". . . Not all humans are the same as those that have come before us in the form of evil" Naomi answered

Hitting him in the chest, Sesshomaru suddenly released her, causing her to run down the hill, but swiping a hand at Jaken when he tried to stop her, ignoring his fearful yelp. Naomi suddenly jumped up, landing on the back of the brown fox and jumping up once more, Fenikkusu was suddenly remove from it's sheath as she sliced it at the demon, creating a gash in his wood face, a roar emitting from it as the fire within began to glow brighter. Landing on the grass, she looked up at the demons, watching as the gash she had inflicted seal itself up, as if nothing happened, causing Naomi's eyes to narrow slightly. She jumped out of the way as the demon swung a hand in her direction, which allowed one of the foxes to leap and latch onto his arm.

But the brown fox wasn't quick enough to plant his paws on the grass as the demon swung it's arm, taking the fox with it. Sesshomaru watched as the tail of the fox clashed with Naomi as she was in the air, which caused her to be thrown back into the woods. But every time she tried to position herself to land on her feet, she would hit a new branch, feeling them cut her exposed skin on her cheeks until her body hit the base of a thick tree. Naomi heaved a breath of pain, feeling all of the air being forced from her lungs as she landed on her front on the grass, Fenikkusu landing within arms reach of her. She took in a much needed breath, staying on the ground for what felt like what could've been forever but had only been a few seconds.

Within no time Sesshomaru was by her side, his gaze forward, not giving her a single glance as Naomi looked up at him,

"How do you expect to defeat Naraku if you can't kill this demon?" Sesshomaru asked

"He's strong" Naomi answered

"But you are stronger" he replied "get up . . . you're stronger than this. I know you can defeat that demon. Now get on your feet and fight"

Naomi couldn't help but let the words sink in.

He's cheering me on?

With a small grunt, Naomi slowly pushed herself up, wincing slightly at the soreness, Sesshomaru now looked at her and knelt down, offering her a hand,

"Aren’t I supposed to stand on my own to be strong?" Naomi asked softly

". . . Even the strongest people need a little help sometimes" Sesshomaru replied

Naomi's expression was stunned. Since when did Sesshomaru think this way? But her hand grasped his, allowing him to pull her to her feet, releasing her hand as she looked towards the clearing far from her sight. She could hear the thrilling sounds of the demon, hearing the foxes fight back, Naomi looked up at Sesshomaru and smirked slightly, bending down and grasping the hilt of Fenikkusu, standing straight and looking out into the trees. Suddenly taking off into a run, Naomi made her way back to the commotion in the field, jumping up into the air and grasping the hilt off Fenikkusu with both hands, striking the demon once more, but this time, slicing off one of his horns like a knife through paper.

Landing on her feet as a roar emitted from the demon, she looked up at it, seeing the black smoke emitting from the horn that was once there, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed him, observing him just like she had done in her training. But her eyebrows furrowed slightly when she saw something different, something that didn't belong to the demon,

"Jewel shards" Naomi whispered

The brown fox looked down at her as she looked up at the wood demon, but she had confusion written on her features,

"I can sense them but . . ." She trailed off, shaking her head slightly "I don't know where they are"

She couldn't use Blades of Fire, mostly because she had a feeling the demon in front of her gained his strength from fire, so that was out of the question,

"You two" Naomi said suddenly, looking up at the twin foxes, causing then to look at her "get his sides. But watch out for his arms, he may be slow on his turns, but his swings are fast"

Even though I'm most likely going to get hit . . . again

"You attack his legs" Naomi added, looking at the brown fox "if we're saving the village, then we need to do this together"

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