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Birds chirped in the morning sky as the sun began to rise, crickets quieting down from their song during the night, the birds working for their home, insects crawling through the dirt, making small pathways. A yawn emitted from Rin as she sat up, stretching her arms above her head to rid her slightly weakened body from her sleep.

"That was quite a storm last night" Rin commented "I hope no one got hurt" briefly looking up at the clear blue sky "oh well. Might as well go catch some fish"

"Jaken will accompany you" Sesshomaru said

"Yes, Mi'Lord" Jaken replied

Sesshomaru didn't move from his spot against the tree, Naomi's head in his lap with one if his hands on her shoulder. He knew she was drained, especially since she hasn't moved at all since they got back, and he had a feeling of what she was, her question still ringing in his mind, hearing the fear in her voice. But the thing that surprised him the most was her fear of hurting him. Naomi didn't know Sesshomaru all that well, yet she wanted him to leave her alone because she thought she'd hurt him. It was a rational thought, she didn't know what was going on or why it was happening. But the dog demon had a a feeling of what happened. Naomi isn't just half fox demon, she was something else, her scent and aura had changed, and since she was in such a vulnerable state, higher up demons are going to be after her, which meant Sesshomaru needed to protect Naomi.

Naomi was in a field, one with deep green grass, her mother's body laying in front of her, causing her to turn away. Dark clouds were over the sky, heavy rain pouring down, lightning streaking throughout the sky, loud claps of thunder rolling in, wind blowing in every which way. It was that night her mother was murdered, her eyebrows furrowing slightly when she looked up at the sky,

"It was me" Naomi whispered "I was the cause of it"

"And you will have to learn control" a familiar voice said

Turning slightly, Naomi met the eyes of her mother, a soft smile forming on her lips, even if she knew it wasn't real, reaching out, only to have her had go straight through her mother's shoulder,

"Couldn't hurt to try" Naomi said softly, causing Hotaru to smile slightly

"You need to gain control" Hotaru replied softly "demons of a stronger power will be after you"

"Why didn't you tell me about my father?" She asked

"I did it to protect you, my sweet girl" her mother replied

"I would have been prepared" Naomi replied "I would have been ready"

"I know that now" Hotaru said softly "I'm afraid my time is up. I was only supposed to give you a message. Stay with the person you feel safest with, sweet girl. Your power will be at it's full strength, you will be matched"

Hotaru's voice began to echo in the distance as her body began to shimmer, Naomi watching as the image of her mother faded, causing her to close her eyes, lowering her head slightly, which had also caused her bangs to cast a dark shadow over her eyes,

"Naraku" Naomi said softly "I'll be seeing you soon"

Her eyes snapped open when she heard a dark chuckle, though no one else was around her, everything slowly fading away.

"Hmm" Naomi hummed softly

Rin scooted closer when Naomi moved her head to the side, smiling brightly when her eyes opened slightly, but she was still weak, her body was still drained from the previous night.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin called out, looking at the dog demon "Naomi is awake!"

This caused the white haired dog demon to look at the human child, jumping from the branch he was perched on and landing on the floor, walking the short distance to them. He kneeled down, looking at Naomi, seeing that her eyes were opened, but only enough to see the deep blue in her eyes, reaching out and gently grasping her chin, tilting her head slightly. Naomi reached up, placing a hand on his wrist in an attempt to remove his hand, but nothing happened, causing her hand to fall back down to the grass, her eyes closing once more as she fell back into unconsciousness. Sesshomaru released her chin, causing her head to fall to the side as she slept,

"Her body is still weak" Sesshomaru informed "she will be under your care, Rin"

"Yes, my Lord!" Rin replied happily "I promise to take good care of her!"

Sesshomaru let out a small hum, standing straight and walking back to the tree he had been perched on. It was strange for him, why he felt the need to protect her when she was at her weakest, but he would watch over her until she was recovered, even if he didn't know how long that could be. Kaze placed his front paws on Naomi's shoulder, his little nose sniffing around her cheek, making sure she was okay. He could have been assuring himself, but no one would ever know. The creature flapped his wings, flying up and landing on her stomach, Naomi's hands subconsciously moving to rest over his back, keeping him there, but the creature didn't mind. Instead, he simply rested his head down, and closed his eyes.

Rin would glance at Naomi every once in a while, taking it upon herself to clean the dirt from her skin and pluck the leaves from her hair, watching over her just like she promised. A light giggle emitted from the child when one of Naomi's ears twitched, seeming to be on guard, even when she was asleep, but that's how she's always been. Some fox pups were able to sense danger, even while unconscious, which is why Naomi would bury her face in her knees, flatten her ears against her head and let out a small whine. It would let others know that danger was approaching. But right now, they were completely safe.

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