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Naomi sat in front of the river, feet in the water as she ate the fish she caught, also sitting next to small fire that cooked the other fish on a stick, surprising herself that she was on her fifth fish. It could be because of her excessive walking for the past few days, but she didn't really know, she would rest for a few hours at night, but something would always wake her up, and she wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep. She stayed by the river, which was also a means for her water and food source, she would make a small fire, careful to not draw attention from any unwanted guests, and she made sure to hide her scent to ensure it. Other than that, nothing exciting happened.

Tossing the fish skeleton to the side, Naomi reached out to the other one on the stick, bringing to her lips and biting into it, spitting out the small bones, and eating the rest in silence, her back and shoulders slightly slouched with her ears laying limp, anyone could see her relaxed state. And a relaxed fox demon could be more reasoned with than an angered fox demon. The sound of crunching filled her ears, causing them to perk up slightly, turning her head and seeing a cute creature munching on what was left of the fish bones, a small smile forming on her lips when she saw that it was a bunny, but it was a little strange because of the retracted wings on his back, even a tail. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, never seeing a creature like it, but she couldn't help but think it was cute, with his ears, tail and wings dipped in black.

He picked up his head and looked at her, sniffing the air as he hopped over in her direction, a smile forming on her lips as the bunny sniffed her kimono before curling up at her side. Looking back at the river and ears laying limp once more, Naomi was soon feeling satisfied with her meal, now picking at what was left of the fish, a low sigh emitting from her nose as she looked at the water that ran over her feet, her mind drifting off.


A seven year old Naomi was playing in the shallow end of the river, laughing joyously as the fish swam around her feet, her blue eyes shining with innocence, a boy her age walked out from behind a bush, smiling when he saw his friend,

"Naomi!" He shouted happily

"Hiroki!" Naomi said with a bright smile

Giggles emitted from her as he jumped in the river, which caused the water to splash her in return. Hiroki was one of Naomi's few friends, she found it easy to make friends whenever she and Hotaru had to leave, she was also friends with another boy and his twin sister - Hikaru and Akira. The three of them were normal fox demons, their parents traveling the Feudal Era to teach their children the ways of the world and what it's like to face other demons. They invited Hotaru to travel with them, and they have been for almost a year. More giggles filled the air as two more children jumped in the water, standing up and splashing around, all of their parents deciding to give them a day off from training and chores, which the children were thankful for.

"I can't wait until I learn how to shift!" Akira exclaimed, splashing the water

"You're too young" Hikaru countered "you have to be older and stronger! Like me!" throwing a fist in the air

"I'm only younger than you by a few minutes!" She argued

"My color is going to be brown!" Hiroki said happily "oto-san said so"

"What about you, Naomi?" Akira asked, looking at the slightly older child "what color do you think yours is gonna be?"

". . . I don't know if I'll ever be able to shift" Naomi replied, a sad look crossing her face "oka-san says is really rare for half fox demons to shift or even show fox traits, besides our ears"

"But you have the same ears as we do!" Hiroki said

"Your hearing is better than ours too" Hikaru added

"But it's still really rare" Naomi said "like . . . one in a lot!"

"I think you can" Akira said, giving Naomi a smile "yours would be black as night! Like your pretty hair!

"And your eyes would be red as blood" Hikaru said, clawing at the air for a dramatic affect

". . . The tip of my tail would be blue!" Naomi said happily

"Now you're getting it!" Hiroki said with a smile

"Marks on your back" Akira added "ones under your eyes!"

"And at the corners of your eyes too!" Hikaru added

"My moon would be white!" Naomi exclaimed happily, pointing to the crescent moon on her forehead

"Your fox is going to be very pretty, Naomi" Akira said with a smile "I just know it!"

"Children!" Hotaru called out "time to dry up! You must be dried before dinner! Heavens knows your parents will have a fit"

The children giggled once more, swimming over to their side if the river and deciding to sit in the sun to help their drying process quicken. They ran around, chasing one another with their laughter filling the air, rolling down a small hill, which caused Naomi to get flower petals stuck in her hair, but their laughter never stopped. Hotaru loved seeing her child happy and carefree, she only wished it could last for her whole childhood. But that wish may never be granted. Naomi's smile dropped as her ears perked up and turned slightly to the sound she had just heard, which was a faint sound of a twig snapping under an immense weight. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she looked around, her gaze snapping in the direction of a rustling bush, which happened to only be a bunny.

Naomi slowly looked up to the trees, nearly startled when she saw a pair of deep blue eyes looking back at her, as if watching her every move. But what was strange to her was the fact that she felt calm when she looked into those eyes, a sense of safety and security, as if she somehow knew them, but she couldn't figure out how. Her head tilted to the side like a confused pup, seeing that the eyes belonged to the shadow of a man, his dark hair flowing in the soft breeze, with one of his hands placed on the base of the tree, his other hand firmly on the branch he was standing on, making sure to keep himself balanced.

"Naomi!" Hotaru called out "its time to come home, sweet girl!"

The child's gaze snapped in the direction of her mother, a smile forming on her lips as she ran toward her, those blue eyes long forgotten. Hotaru laughed as she picked up her daughter, holding her close as she swung her around before setting her back on her feet, placing a warm hand on her head and leading her over to the others, who had already been sitting at their designated spots, the parents smiling lovingly at their children as their giggles filled the air once more.


Naomi's ears suddenly perked up, squaring her shoulders slightly and straightening her back as she turned her head, hearing a sound that definitely didn't belong in the forest.

The sound of a child's feared scream

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