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Naomi reached down, her hand firmly grasping the hilt of her blade, a gasp emitting from her as she felt her body pulse with strength, causing her to stand straight and look at the demon, a smirk forming on her lips. Shippo watched as the pulsing slowly subsided, Naomi looking down at the child, giving him a small nod in appreciation, causing a smile to form on his lips. She looked onward, her eyes hardening at the sight of the demon, suddenly breaking out into a run, leaping in the air to the roof of a hut, leaping off, letting out a yell as she blocked the attack towards Kagome, landing next to Sango with her blade at the ready,

"Need some help?" Naomi asked, a smirk on her lips

". . Let's see what all the fuss is about" Sango replied

Sango grew curious when she looked at the demon next to her, her eyes traveling to the blade in her hands, feeling them widen when she noticed that it was the same blade the demon in front of them once held. Naomi's deep blue eyes looked at the demon, her smirk growing, suddenly leaping into the air and striking at the demon with a yell, slicing off his arm, just as the other was growing back, earning a scream in pain. The fox demon landed next to Inuyasha, who glanced at her,

"He'll die if we strike at the same time" Naomi informed

"How do you know?" Inuyasha asked

My mother fought this kind of demon before

"Trust me" She replied "start from opposite directions, then strike"

". . . Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted "distract him!"

Naomi have him a small nod, allowing both of them to run in the opposite direction while the others distracted him, both half demons skidding to a stop as they turned around, swords each. Inuyasha have her a nod in confirmation, indicating that he was ready, causing Naomi to do the same, holding her blade in front of her, both hands clutching the hilt tightly. Suddenly, the two of them ran as fast as they could, Naomi being the first to leap into the air, Inuyasha doing the same, both of them simultaneously raising their blades over their head and coming down with a yell. Their blades sliced through the demons skin as they crossed each other, easily landing on their feet, Naomi landing in the spot where Inuyasha once stood, while he landed in her spot.

The others watched as the demon froze in his spot, the first thing that disintegrated was the top part of his wings, causing the demon to fall the grass, Naomi and Inuyasha turning around, watching as the monster died, Kagome running up to him, taking three Shikon jewel shards from his chest, placing them with the others they had recently acquired. Naomi looked at where the demon once was, dropping one hand to her side, a sheath suddenly appearing over her blade, leather straps dangling underneath the hilt, ignoring the others and walking back inside the village, making her way to Shippo without another word.

"Where are you going?!" Inuyasha shouted

She ignored him, seeing Shippo sitting down and leaning against a wall of a hut, his features perking up when he saw Naomi approach, a smile forming on her lips when he reached up with his little arms, wanting to be picked up. Naomi scooped him up, holding him with one arm, her smile growing when he rested his head against her shoulder,

"Thank you for helping me, little one" Naomi said softly

"You're welcome!" Shippo said happily, looking up at her with his big and innocent eyes

"I see ye have risen" Kaede said

While keeping her hold on Shippo, Naomi turned around, looking at Lady Kaede, giving her a small nod in appreciation, the others looking at the fox demon who held their small friend, who seemed to be perfectly fine in her arms. Her ears twitched slightly, looking around and seeing that the other villagers began to gather around them, their eyes curiously trained on Naomi. She looked down, noticing why most of the men were looking at her, causing her to reach up and adjust the top of her kimono to cover the cleavage of her breasts, now feeling uncomfortable in her own body.

"What are ye looking at?" Kaede asked "off with ye now!"

The villagers did as their priestess said, Kaede walking over to Naomi,

"Come, child" Kaede said softly "let's get some new clothes on ye"

Kaede led Naomi back to her hut, the female fox demon sitting down on her knees, setting her blade next to her and gently putting Shippo in her lap, but holding the top of her kimono. A small sigh emitted from her nose, watching as Kaede started a fire, feeding it with wood,

"So, what's your name?" Inuyasha asked, looking at her

"My name is Naomi" she replied, looking up at him

"Naomi?" Shippo asked, looking at her "did you come from a human village"

". . . I did" she said, looking down at him "how could you know that?"

"We traveled through a village" Kagome said, gaining her attention "they spoke about a fox demon who disappeared during the night, but her spirit stayed behind to protect them"

"The village is still there?" She asked

"Yeah" Inuyasha said "so why the hell did you leave? They seemed to like you since their parents and grandparents looked for you. Then your mother disappears a few months after you"

"Inuyasha" Kagome said "sit boy!"

The beads around his neck began to glow, Inuyasha feeling himself being forced to the ground, face first with a bang, earning a groan from him. The other woman, Sango, walked in the hut with a handful of clothes, technically it was a multiple layered kimono,

"What'd you do that for?!" Inuyasha shouted

"You were being rude" she replied simply "now get out, let her change"

"Perhaps she could use some assistance?" Miroku asked, looking at Naomi

Sango slapped him, causing a red handprint to form on his cheek, an amused smile forming on Naomi's lips as she looked at them.

"Now get out" Sango ordered "let her dress in peace" walking over to her and gently setting the kimono down in front of her "let us know if you need help, we'll be right outside"

Naomi have her a small nod, letting her gently take Shippo from her arms, watching as she stood straight and walked out with the others, Naomi looking at the clothes that lay in front of her. But her gaze turned to the fire, images of her mother filling her mind, hearing her pained screams, knowing that she couldn't do anything to help.

But her vengeance still hung over her. 

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