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This chapter is dedicated to Katherine_771 thank you for all your help with this story

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year



"Then there's the two headed dragon I told you about" Rin said, from Naomi's arms "Lord Sesshomaru hasn't given them a name in the longest, so he let me name them! The right was is called A and the left one is called Un!"

"Well, I don't believe I've ever met a two headed dragon" Naomi said, a soft smile on her lips

After Rin let Naomi weave a basket, the two of them started to catch fish, a smile on Naomi's lips the whole time when she heard the child let out giggles of joy as they splashed around. The activity ended up getting their kimonos wet, but they didn't really mind that, the water would easily dry off when they made it back to Rin's small camp with the others she spoke of. Along the way, however, Naomi noticed the child growing tired as they walked, which caused her to adjust her basket to her hip and scoop Rin up in her arms, who didn't complain about that one bit. Rin then began to tell the fox demon everything she new about the small group she had traveled with, which Naomi listened to as they made their journey.

And while they were heading to the small clearing, the winged bunny decided to follow them, taking a liking to the fox demon, Naomi's ears suddenly perked up, picking up on a conversation, one that was growing closer as their distance grew shorter,

"Jaken" a monotone voice asked "did something happen to Rin?"

"Funny you should mention that, Mi'Lord" an annoying voice stammered ". . . It seems Rin may have wandered off"

"She knows not to do such a foolish thing, Jaken" he replied

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin exclaimed happily as Naomi stepped out from the treeline "Master Jaken! I'm safe!"

"Where have you been, you stupid girl!?" A green imp exclaimed, noticing the fix demon "and who is this concubine!?"

"Jaken" the dog demon said sharply

"Concubine . . ." Naomi trailed off "you must have some nerve"

Naomi's eyes trailed to the demon standing next to the imp, seeing a flash of recognition flowing through his eyes as he looked at the fox demon who held Rin with one arm, and a basket of fish with another, the image in front of him looking like a mother with her child.

"What is your name?" He asked

". . . Naomi" the fox demon replied "and you?"

"Stupid woman!" The imp shouted "this is Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands! Bow down and show him some respect this instant!"

Naomi narrowed her eyes slightly at the annoying imp, kneeling down, gently setting Rin on her feet while pulling a sleeve up to reveal her hand and black claws, grasping a fish and throwing it at Jaken. Rin giggled as the fish hit him in the head, knocking him on his back with a groan,

"There was a huge demon!" Rin said as Naomi stood straight "Naomi saved me!"

"She was in the forest, alone" Naomi added, clasping her covered hands in front of her "I'm not the type to let a child get hurt. I am simply repaying a great debt that I owe"

". . . You have saved Rin" Sesshomaru said after a moment "you owe no debt"

"But I do" Naomi replied "my debt to Rin may have been repaid, but not yours. She saw me. She led you to me. But you are the one who freed me. Therefore, I owe a great debt to you, Lord Sesshomaru"

The dog demon stayed silent, looking at the fox demon that stood across the clearing, taking in her appearance and assessing her, wanting to figure out if she was a threat that needed to be killed. He looked at her kimono, seeing that it dragged on the floor and that her sleeves covered her hands, a blade tied around her waist and resting on her left hip. Her hair was black as night with a small hint of blue, her eyes being a deep blue sapphire, and a crescent moon lay on her forehead, one that seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't place it.

"You could stay with us!" Rin said, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation

"Lord Sesshomaru doesn't want to look after someone else, stupid girl!" Jaken exclaimed as he shot to his feet "especially over some weakling fox demon and - "

"Jaken" Sesshomaru said sharply, cutting him off

"You could stay with us until your debt is repaid!" Rin said to Naomi "you could even help Lord Sesshomaru kill demons!"

Naomi looked at the dog demon, wanting to know what he thought about the small proposal, seeing that he had already been looking at her, his gold eyes connecting with her deep sapphire, almost as if they were looking into her soul, wanting to know every dark secret she held,

"Do what you wish" Sesshomaru said

Without another word, he turned around and walked off, Naomi smiling slightly when Rin began to cheer, the fox demon scooping up the winged bunny and the basket of fish, walking over to the two headed dragon and setting the basket down.

"Don't think just because Lord Sesshomaru says you can stay means I have to like it" Jaken said, looking up at Naomi "I will be keeping a close eye on you, concubine!"

Another fish was thrown at Jaken, this time knocking him a few feet away, a small scream emitting from him, the two headed dragon, A-Un, deciding that they liked the fox demon. Naomi sat down on the grass, setting the winged bunny - who she decided to name Kaze - on her lap, keeping an eye on Rin for her own security, feeling the need to keep the child to be safe. She had always had a soft spot for children, playing with them whenever they asked her to, getting them tuckered out for their parents, which they were always thankful for, and keeping an eye on them to make sure they had been safe from the many harmful things in the forest, she missed the people in her village, knowing she would never see them again.

It was all because of her brother. The one she aimed to kill, and she would stop at nothing to set things right.

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