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Naomi backed away, watching as her mother's skin turned ghostly white, the brightness in her eyes fading into a lifeless abyss,

"You could have stopped him!" Hotaru shouted "I did everything for you and you couldn't do this one thing to help me! I'm dead because of you!"

The hut around them began to fade as Hotaru collapsed, blood emitting from the stab wound in her heart and spreading over the green grass. Naomi let out a small gasp as rain began to fall, looking up at the sky, hearing the loud clap of thunder and the bright lighting strike through the dark clouds. Lightning struck the ground in front of her, causing her to step back, everything around her feeling too real.

"You could have saved me" Hotaru whispered

". . . Naomi!"

The fox demon turned around, everything changing around her once more, now seeing a clear field with the sun shining bright. A soft breath emitted from her nose, looking down at the soft grass, seeing that she was wearing her kimono, hands covered by the sleeves, feet covered because of the length of it. She placed a hand on her chest, feeling the necklace Sesshomaru had given her, closing her eyes for a moment, before looking back down at her right hand, picking up the sleeve and seeing her jewelry and ring. Her hand shot to her waist, Fenikkusu resting where it should be, causing her to let out a soft sigh in relief,

"Naomi!" Rin shouted "come on!"

She looked up, seeing Rin running in the direction of of the field of wild flowers, a soft smile forming her lips at the the sound of her laughter. Naomi took a step forward, only to stop when her foot made contact with something warm, causing her to slowly look down, her breathing picking up when she saw the child she had grown fond of, blood emitting from a wound on her stomach.

"Why?" Rin asked softly "I thought you loved me, Naomi"

Naomi kneeled down, her hands pressing against the wound to try to stop the bleeding, but it just kept coming, causing Naomi's breathing to pick up, panic beginning to run through her veins.

"Why would you hurt me?" Rin asked softly

"I'm so sorry, Rin" Naomi replied "I would never hurt you!"

"But you will" she whispered

She looked in her eyes, watching as the light faded, Naomi shaking her head slightly as she pressed her hands against her wounds, her breath hitching in her throat when she saw Fenikkusu a few feet away from them, blood covering the blade. Naomi shook her head slightly, not wanting to believe it.

"What have you done?" Sesshomaru asked, causing Naomi's eyes to snap up

"I didn't do this" Naomi whispered "I would never hurt Rin!"

"You're just like any other demon!" Kagome shouted "you killed her!"

Naomi stood up as Sesshomaru approached, grabbing Fenikkusu as he pulled out Bakusaiga, holding her blade in front of her,

"I will not fight you, Sesshomaru" Naomi said softly

"Then you will die" he said simply

A yell emitted from Naomi as pain erupted from her right side, looking down and seeing an arrow, one that belonged to Kagome, not even hearing or seeing her draw an arrow. She stumbled back, slowly grasping the arrow with a shaky hand. Another yell emitted from her as she pulled it out, throwing it to the grass as if it were the plague, looking back at them,

"I'd never hurt an innocent" she said softly

"How are we supposed to know?" Inuyasha asked "that could have been the reason you were imprisoned in stone. You could have killed a child like Rin"

"She's nothing but a monster!" Shippo said

Naomi rose her blade above her head, blocking the attack from Sesshomaru, who looked at her with fire in his eyes, which caused her body to tremble slightly, never seeing that look before. She didn't understand what was happening, none of them had ever acted this way, accusing her of harming an innocent or even calling her a monster. Now there she was, blocking attacks from Sesshomaru, listening to the others as they called her a monster, Rin's blood coating her hands and hilt of the blade, her heart breaking at the sight. A yelp emitted from her as Bakusaiga slashed her left side, causing her to fall back, scooting away as she clutched her wound, keeping her hold on Fenikkusu. Her breathing picked up, as he advanced, like a predator stalking it's prey, freezing as her back made contact with the base of a tree.

Sesshomaru crouched down in front of her, looking at her as if she were nothing to him, watching as he reached out and grasped the necklace. The chain broke as he pulled on it, standing and turning around, walking toward Rin. Naomi watched as he bent down and picked up her body, walking away soon after, allowing the others to look at her in return. Kagome notched an arrow into place, Kirara transformed and Inuyasha unsheathed Tessaiga, slowly approaching her as if she were the next victim.

"We trusted you" Shippo said

"You betrayed us" Miroku added

"You should have never been set free" Sango said

"Naraku should have killed you when he had the chance" Inuyasha growled

"It's all your fault"

"Your mother is dead because of you"

"You're weak"


Naomi placed her hands on top of her head, covering her ears, trying to block out everything they were saying, ignoring the pain in her sides as she curled her knees into her chest. Her claws dug into her hands, distracting herself from everything going on around her, shaking her lead as she let out a small growl, her own blood mixing with Rin's as she began to rock herself back and forth, the sounds slowly muffled from her ears, and soon, the was nothing.

No pain.

No worry.

Everything slowly faded around her, but she refused to open her eyes, even when a dark chuckle heard from above.

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