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A small sniffle emitted from Naomi as her hands slowly uncovered her ears, her eyes opening as she looked around, seeing that she was surrounded by the bodies of everyone she knew. Sesshomaru laid at her feet, causing her to uncurl from her position, sitting on her knees as her hands slowly reached out to him, uncovered. His skin was felt like ice as she gently cupped his face in her hands, seeing no life in his eyes, small tears forming in her eyes as she looked at him. But the blood on her hands smeared on his skin, looking her hands, feeling nothing. Naomi became numb, no anger or sadness, not even pain as she looked at Shippo, then Rin, her ears slowly falling limp on top of her head.


The fox demon slowly looked up, seeing Shouto standing there, looking around at the bodies that surrounded her, then looking back at her. He rushed toward Naomi, falling to his knees next to her, grasping her shoulders and turning her toward him,

"You need to listen to me" Shouto said softly "what you're seeing is not real"

"They're dead" Naomi said

Shouto could feel his heart break at the sound of her voice.


"No" he said, shaking his head slightly "this is not real. Everyone you see is alive and well"

"I killed them" she whispered

"You would do no such thing" he assured "it is not in our nature. We live to fight evil. We live to protect the innocent lives in danger from other demons. This is not who you are"

"I'm a monster" she whispered, shaking her head slightly "I could have saved my mother - "

"There was nothing you could have done" he said softly "none of this is your fault, you must believe that"

". . . Everyone seems to die around me" she whispered, sniffling slightly "I suppose it was wise of me to walk away from you. Maybe you'll actually have a chance at living the life you want"

"The life I want?" He asked, shaking his head slightly "I want my sister in my life. I want to know who she is, what she likes, or doesn't like. I need you to wake up from this before it's too late"

"You killed us" Inuyasha's voice filled her ears

"It's all your fault" Shippo said

"No" Shouto said "don't listen to them, Naomi" shaking her shoulders slightly "I need you to snap out of it"

"What's happening?" Akio asked, rushing over to them

"She's trapped" Shouto replied, looking at him "by a demon with the power to draw out ones deepest fears. They become so consumed within them that they believe everything is really happening or has already happened and she is already in that state"

"It's all my fault" Naomi whispered

Akio placed a hand on Shouto's shoulder, causing him to stand and step to the side, allowing him to kneel down in front of Naomi, gently cupping her cheek with his hand. Her eyes connected with his, seeing her own deep blue, her eyes fluttering as she felt warmth consume her, from the comforting touch of Akio, a soft sigh emitting from her nose.

"Listen to me" Akio said firmly, causing Naomi to look at him "none of this is your doing. The death of your mother? That was no one's fault. I know I wasn't there, I couldn't stop it and I'm sorry that you had to see everything happen. But you couldn't do anything either, it wasn't your fault but his"

Naomi watched as Akio and Shouto slowly faded, the comforting touch of his hand disappearing from her cheeks as a set of footsteps slowly approached, causing her to look forward once more.


He walked toward her with a sinister smirk, stopping on the other side of the Sesshomaru, looking down at his dead body, a chuckle emitting from him,

"The one who set you free" Naraku said, then looking at Naomi "now why would he do that?"

The physical touch from Akio's hand may not have been there, but she could still feel it spreading warmth throughout her body, causing her to lower her head slightly, closing her eyes as she let out a slow breath through her lips. A finger curled under her chin, picking her head back up, causing Naomi to look up at Naraku, his smirk never leaving his lips,

"You wish to kill me?" He asked, dropping his hand "now is your chance"

He pulled out the dagger from behind his back, the same one that was used to kill her mother, holding it out to Naomi. This was her chance. She could end it all if she took it from him. She could drive it through his heart, just like he did with her mother. But something was stopping her, looking over to Inuyasha, her eyes trailing over Shippo, then Sango, then Miroku. It wasn't just Naomi's like that he had ruined. Naraku ruined everything he was around, soiling everything in his evil aura. He was the reason her mother was dead. It was his fault.

"You can end it all, Naomi" Naraku said, looking down at her "solve everything. Avenge your whore of a mother"

Naomi slowly looked up at him once more, a low and threatening growl emitting from her lips as she slowly stood on her feet, her hand finding the hilt of Fenikkusu, suddenly removing it from it's sheath, slicing his chest as she did so. Naraku stumbled back in shock, Naomi continuing to slice at him, walking forward as he walked back, one more slice causing him to fall back, looking up at her with anger in his eyes.

"Your defeat shouldn't be only by my hands" Naomi said, looking down at him "you have ruined more then just my own life" pointing the tip of Fenikkusu to his throat "your defeat . . means nothing without those you've hurt by my side. Your fall with come, and I can't wait to see it"

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