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Landing soundlessly on her feet, she walked through the village, paying no one a single glance as she began to make her way to the cemetery,

"You won't find it there" a woman said

Naomi turned around, seeing that it was the same woman that had given her the bag before she left,

"When the priestess came to bury it, my father dug it back up and hid it in front of our home after he found out you came" she continued

She watched as she dug through her bag, pulling out an object that was wrapped in a dirty cloth, holding it out to Naomi, who looked at her in confusion,

"I didn't know it was the dagger until he told me" she said honestly "find the bastard who killed your mother. And kill him"

". . . Why are you helping me?" Naomi asked, looking at her

"You and your mother were loved by these people" she said softly "they were all practically destroyed when you were gone, but I know the truth. You are the only one strong enough to make things right"

She looked at the human woman who held out the dagger, reaching out and gently taking it from her hand, unwrapping the cloth, seeing the silver glisten in the sunlight, a small sigh emitting from her nose as she wrapped it back up, knowing it was the real thing because she could feel the evil energy emitting from it. Naomi looked back at her,

"Thank you" Naomi said softly, earning a small nod in return

There was nothing left for her in the village, which caused her to leave without another word, deciding to travel through the forest to get her mind off of a few things. She couldn't believe Inuyasha would stoop that low and say that she's had it easy, Naomi has never had it easy, she's never known who her father was and now she has to figure out what kind of power she has. Hotaru left the village where she once lived because the other fox demons shunned her for carrying and birthing a fatherless child. None of the others would let their children play with Naomi, and both of them left a year later.

Most of her childhood consisted of traveling the forest in search of a place kind enough to take in a mother and her child, but none of them would have it. So Hotaru had no choice but to teach Naomi how to be strong from a very young age, that humans could sometimes be as bad as demons and to keep away from the demons that were more powerful than her. But how could she stop them now? How could she face demons more powerful than her and kill them as simple as snapping her fingers? So many questions ran through her mind and she didn't have the answers to any one of them, and she didn't like that one bit. She didn't have anyone to turn to and that's what hurt her even more.

The only time she's ever felt happiness was when she was with her mother, and those memories always ran through her mind, there was nothing she could do about those memories. Naomi stopped abruptly when she reached a river, her eyebrows furrowing slightly when she sifted through her memories, her breath hitching in her throat when she realized that she couldn't remember her mother's soothing voice. A sigh emitted from her nose, looking at the running water for a moment before walking along the shoreline, she didn't know if there was anything that would ever get her mind off of her mother, she missed her voice so much.

It was always the first thing to go from your memory because of the loss of a loved one, you forget what they sound like. You could remember every little detail about them, when their eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the little ticks they did while cooking or doing their chores, but you could never remember what their voice sounded like. Naomi's bare feet walked along the pebbles of the river, but she didn't feel anything, her footsteps being silent like the night, the only thing she would let herself hear is the water running next to her, flowing at the opposite direction. A sigh emitted from her nose, taking the pin out of her hair and letting it flow freely in the soft breeze, her hair falling a little past her knees, looking at the pin before putting it in her bag with the other few objects.

The breeze blew short locks of her hair on either sides of her face, adjusting her bangs to reveal the crescent moon on her forehead. Naomi rolled her eyes when she heard multiple people approaching at a fast pace and the scent of wolf, but she didn't care, if she could deal with demons the size of a small mountain, then she could handle a few smaller and lesser demons. Just as that thought popped in her head, she stopped in her tracks when said lesser demons surrounded her, some of them even standing on the other side of the river in an attempt to block her path completely.

"Well, well" a male wolf demon said "look at this cute little fox" walking out in the center in front of Naomi "what are you doing out here on your own? With no one to protect you?"

". . . I'm on the hunt to kill my brother" Naomi answered simply "I mean no harm, and I am simply passing through. Please, step aside"

"We don't have to do what you say" he said "you're in our territory. If you want to pass through, then you have to pay the toll"

"And I don't answer to lesser demons" she replied, looking at him

"Lesser demon?" One of them asked "you are a mere fox demon. Koga is the leader of our tribe"

In one quick movement, Naomi had Koga pinned to a tree, uncovered hand around his neck and other hand in the air, claws ready to strike, watching as his eyes widened as he looked at her.

"You are not the one I wish to kill" Naomi said softly "I do not answer to lesser demons like you. I do not have to pay a toll to simply pass through. I have a lot of pent up rage, but I do not wish to waste it on someone like you. So, you will call off your soldiers and I will walk away. No one needs to get hurt today, right?"

Koga shook his head slightly, looking at his soldiers, which caused them to back down, Naomi removing her hand from his neck and letting both of them fall to her sides,

". . . Let her pass" Koga said

"Wise choice" Naomi said softly

She turned around, walking in the direction she was heading, but stopping, her back toward the wolf demons,

"Have you heard of a man called Onigumo?" Naomi asked

". . . He's no longer a man" a wolf demon, Ginta, said

"The half demon scum is known as Naraku, now" Koga added, watching as Naomi began to walk away "why do you ask?"

". . . Because he's my brother" Naomi said "he murdered my mother. And he's the one I aim to kill"

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