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A few days had gone by with nothing exciting happening, not that Naomi minded or anything, she had been quiet for those few days, which caused some of the others to grow concerned for the female fox demon. While they slept, she would read the letter over and over again, practically memorising it, not understanding some things like why her mother never spoke of her father or even mentioned him at all. It had led her to believe that her mother simply wished to forget about the man that fathered her child, but she didn't know for sure. She seemed happy anyway. Naomi overheard Kagome and Inuyasha talking on night when they thought everyone was asleep, apparently Kagome was going to have to return to her own time soon to catch up on some school work and spend some time with her family.

Of course Inuyasha protested, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it, so Kagome wanted to collect a few more jewel shards before they would all make the the travel to the Bone Eaters well, then when she returned, they would continue their hunt for Naraku. Naomi's ears suddenly perked up,

"Stop" she ordered

"Now what?" Inuyasha spat as they all stopped walking

She ignored him, tilting her head slightly to focus on the sound, only to raise her gaze and sniff the air, a high pitched scream suddenly filling her ears,

". . . Trouble" she whispered

"Where?" Sango asked, trusting her judgement

"Towards the village we were heading to" she answered

Breaking out into a run, the others followed her, Sango, Miroku and Shippo on the back of a transformed Kirara and Kagome in Inuyasha's back, the dog demon soon knowing what kind of trouble Naomi talking about.

"Jewel shards" Kagome informed

This caused the others to pick up speed, making it to the village and seeing a demon, Naomi pulling her blade from her sheath, leaping into the air and slicing off one of his hands, which earned a roar in return.

"Yeah, piss it off" Inuyasha said sarcastically, "cause that's really gonna help"

"I don't see you doing anything!" Naomi snapped

"I'll show you!" He replied

He leaped into the air, only to be knocked down by the demon, causing Naomi to roll her eyes and look at the threat in front of her and the innocent village, the one that held the dagger she was after. That was her motivation. She watched as the arm regenerated, hearing another loud roar,

"Kagome!" Naomi shouted "where are the shards?!"

"In it's forehead!" She shouted "there's two of them!"

"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha shouted

Naomi jumped out of the way as Inuyasha's powerful strike headed her way, landing next to Sango and Miroku, their eyes widening when the demon roared once more,

"What?" Kagome asked in shock

"Impossible" Miroku said "no other demon can survive the Wind Scar"

The demon let out another roar, which caused crows to fly up from the trees and make their way toward the village, Naomi looking at the place in concern,

"We have to get them out of here" she said

"You and Inuyasha distract him" Sango said "we'll keep them safe"

She gave her a nod, leaping up and slicing at the crows, watching as they went down, but more came soon after. The demon let out another roar as Inuyasha tried to strike again, but nothing came of it, Kagome using her arrows to shoot the crows down, Sango, Miroku and Shippo getting the villagers to safety, but some of them stayed behind with their own bows, shooting down more of the black birds. The demon knocked Naomi away, but she landed on her feet, using her blade to keep her from sliding on the dirt, a small breath emitting from her, feeling Fenikkusu pulse, causing her to look at the blade. She watched as it pulsed again, but it wasn't giving her energy, this one was different, her blade needed to release it's power.

Removing her hands from the hilt, the blade pulsed even more, causing her to pull up her sleeves from her hands and firmly grasp the hilt, her mind drifting off to the letter in her bag,

Blades of Fire?

She felt her eyes widen slightly, Inuyasha letting out a yell as he was thrown back once more, Naomi pulling the blade from the dirt and running toward the demon, leaping high into the air with Fenikkusu above her head,

"Blades of Fire!" Naomi shouted

The strike looked like Inuyasha's Wind Scar, but instead of the wind, fire shot out of the sword and made it's way toward the demon, who screamed in pain and thrashed around, the fire destroying the crows and nearly everything in it's path. But this fire was different as Naomi came down, the fire followed the tip of her sword as she sliced through the neck of the demon, landing on the grass with a soft thud, her breathing slightly heavy as everything became silent. The only thing you could hear was the crackling of the fire, which was sucked into Naomi's blade, which pulsed once more before relaxing. The demon stood there, unmoving, Inuyasha an Kagome looking at it in shock as its head slid from his neck and into the floor, his body following with a loud thud and shaking the earth as it did so.

Naomi fell into a kneeling position, tip of the blade in the grass to keep herself upright, watching as the body disintegrated, which allowed Kagome to collect the two Shikon jewel shards and add it with the others.

"Are you okay, Naomi!?" Shippo asked in concern, running over to her

"I'm fine" she replied softly, sitting down on the grass "that just took a lot outta me. I'm not exactly at my full strength yet"

"What the hell was that!?" Inuyasha shouted, walking over to them "how did you do that!?"

"I've never seen a strike that powerful before" Miroku commented "my type of woman" earning a slap to the cheek by Sango

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sango asked, walking over to Naomi

She gave the demon hunter a small nod as she helped her up, grabbing her blade and placing it back in it's sheath, looking toward the village, seeing that not much had been damaged, which meant the demon only just got there before Naomi managed to hear it.

Something still didn't feel right

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