Chapter 4: Supervision

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   Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, a lone Rito was snoozing on a rock

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Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, a lone Rito was snoozing on a rock. There was a bubble shrinking and expanding on his beak each time he snored.

Zelda and Urbosa were swimming towards the sleeping Rito. With a cheeky grin, Zelda used her own hands as a megaphone. "Wake up, Revali!"

The bubble popped, his eyes shot wide open. Still half asleep, Revali stood up on his own two feet, his wings were up like he was about to fight someone. "Steal my food again! I dare you!"

"Revali, don't be alarmed. It's just us." Urbosa said, trying her best to hold in her laughter as well as Zelda was.

Embarrassed, Revali scratched his head with his wings. "Sorry about that, kids. I just woke up from a really bad dream that the other Ritos were trying to steal my food."

Zelda giggled. "Again?"

Revali let out a long sigh. "Yes, again..."

Zelda began digging out of her bag that was holding the two treasures she found. She placed them down near Revali's feet. "We came here, because we want to know what these are. Do you know what they're called and used for?"

Picking up the silverware, Revali was trying to think what it was. "It looks like one of those contraptions that Hylians use to fix their hair with. I believe it's called a... Dinglehopper."

Zelda looked at the dinglehopper in fascination. "That's amazing!"

Urbosa picked up the other treasure. "Then... What is this used for?"

Taking it from her hand, Revali's face perked up. "I haven't seen anything like this in years! Hylians use this snarfblatt to relieve stress before something like... A speech or something. Observe." He began to blow in the snarfblatt, but a bunch of sand was stuck in it.

Zelda's eyes widen, seeming like she just remembered something important. "Speech!"

Revali began coughing out sand that somehow went down his throat. "It's stuck!"

"My speech! Oh my god! My father is going to kill me!" Zelda began putting the two treasures back into her bag.

Urbosa's mouth was agape, placing her hand over her mouth. "I swear I thought that was tomorrow! I'm so sorry that I forgot too!"

"You're not too blame, Urbosa! We need to go! Thank you Revali!" At the same time, Zelda and Urbosa dunked their heads in the water, swimming downwards.

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