Chapter 6: Zelda's Lullaby

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   The sky was clear blue, indicating that the storm has passed

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   The sky was clear blue, indicating that the storm has passed. On the edge of the shore, Zelda was staring down at an unconscious Link who seemed like he wasn't breathing.

Zelda reached her hand towards him, seeing his chest start to go up and down. He was still alive. Thank the goddesses.

Watching him breath, Zelda gently placed her hand on his warm cheek. Her eyes were soft, admiring every feature on his face. "He's so beautiful..."

Closing her eyes, Zelda started to hum a tune that she has grown up with. The one her mother used to sing to her every night. A lullaby that was named after her. An illuminating melody.

While Zelda was humming to Link, Urbosa and Midna were in the water, hiding behind a rock. Midna could not believe her eyes. The princess was near a Hylian! If her father ever found out about this, all hell would break loose.

Sweating nervously, Midna was about to swim towards Zelda until a grip on her arm stopped her. Turning her head, she saw Urbosa shaking her head with a smile. "There's nothing to worry about, Midna."

"This is forbidden! Her father would not allow this! I just don't want her to-"

"Feelings... Are never forbidden."

Letting out a sigh, Midna decided to stay put as much as she wanted to drag Zelda away from that Hylian. A mixture of conflict and anxiety was swirling in her head if the king ever found out about this.

Link was slowly opening his eyes, grabbing the hand that was on his face. The sun was blinding his vision, making it hard to see who was humming such a beautiful song.

With the sun still blinding his vision, Link saw a glimpse of the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on. Her golden hair shined with the sun, her turquoise eyes shimmered like the sea itself.

A dog's bark interrupted both Link's and Zelda's trance, causing Zelda to make a great escape. As Link was sitting up, he noticed that the mysterious girl had disappeared. Looking around, he saw that she was no where to be found.

"Link!" A familiar voice called out.

Slowly standing up, Link was still in a daze, not believing what he just saw wasn't a dream. Twilight rushed over to his side, his energetic self turned into confusion, seeing his owner in such a strange state.

Renado came from behind Link, clasping his shoulder on his hand. "Link, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"There was a girl..." Link avoided the questions. "There was a girl that was just here... Singing to me. She had the most beautiful voice."

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