Chapter 17: Plan in Motion

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   Zelda rose up from the bed, stretching in place while letting out a yawn

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Zelda rose up from the bed, stretching in place while letting out a yawn. This was the final day. She was sure that she would've kissed him last night during the boat ride. Placing her finger to her lips, Zelda thought of what could have been. If only the boat didn't tip over last second.

But again... This was the final day.

Zelda had to be sure that Link had feelings for her, and would kiss her for sure. Shutting her eyes tightly, she wished for that to be true. That the one she loves... Loves her back.

A bird call had Zelda shot open her eyes. Turning towards the window, she saw her good friend she hasn't seen in a while, Revali, flying towards the open window. "I just heard the news! It seems like you and the prince are getting married!"

Midna woke up from her slumber, letting out a yawn. "What's with all the commotion?"


Floating above the bed, Midna rushed over towards Revali, shutting his beak with her hands. "Shut up, you idiot! Someone could hear you!"

Getting Midna's hands off of his beak, Revali smugly smiled. "What? Aren't you happy that Zelda and the prince are tying the knot?"

"Are you sure you heard that right? Why would the prince suddenly want to marry her?"

"Maybe he realized his feelings?"

"Still... Something isn't sitting right with me. It's a little too good to be true."

Zelda tapped Midna's arm to get her attention. She was pointing towards the door, jumping in place to the point that the bed was shaking.

Facepalming herself, Midna let out a long sigh. "Fine... We'll meet up with the prince right now." She turned towards Revali, swinging her hand in a dismissal gesture. "Get out of here, birdbrain! If someone sees you in here, it could cause an uproar!"

Revali rolled his eyes. "Fine. But I'm coming back later... For the wedding!" He flew out the open window, the room went from shouting to silence.

Midna groaned. "One of these days, I need to tape his beak shut." Zelda quickly got out of bed and was rushing towards the door. Knowing that the princess was excited, Midna flew after her, merging in her shadow.

Zelda ran in the halls to search for Link. How much she wanted to run in his arms and kiss him! And once she did, she would tell him everything. That she was the mysterious maiden all along. And she could prove it when her voice comes back.

"Well... You were right all along, Link. This mysterious maiden really does exist. And she's quite lovely." Zelda heard Renado's voice. She hid behind a post, eavesdropping on the conversation.

Peeking behind the post, Zelda saw a beautiful maiden with long blue hair that was tied into a ponytail. Her face was similar... To hers! Who is she?!

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