Chapter 15: Kiss the Girl

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   Zelda woke up a little groggy

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Zelda woke up a little groggy. Her head felt fuzzy, it felt like she could fall asleep again if she closed her eyes. She didn't feel sick or anything, the events from yesterday consumed her mind all night.

Letting out a yawn, Zelda rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Midna was the next to wake up, letting out a yawn right after. "Good morning, your highness."

Zelda mouthed the words good morning.

Midna floated above the bed, deeply staring into her eyes. "Alright, your highness. Today is the day. It has to be the day where the prince has to kiss you. You only have one day left.

One day left... Zelda felt her heart pounding. If she doesn't do anything soon, then the consequences will be great. She would be imprisoned... Forever. Never to see the light again.

Zelda nodded with determination, swinging her legs off of the bed. She tried to run towards the door, only for it to open right in front of her. In a flash, Midna hid in Zelda's shadow without getting noticed.

Zelda was centimeters close in bumping into Telma. "Whoa! Slow down there, honey! Where do you plan on going still wearing your nightgown?!"

Zelda looked down, now realizing that she wasn't exactly dressed for the day. She scratched the back of her head while shifting her eyes to the side.

Telma chuckled. "I heard from the prince that the two of you are going somewhere together. You two are just the cutest things!" Having a little moment, she placed the back of her hand on Zelda's forehead. "You're not feeling sick, are you? Are you feeling alright..? From yesterday, I mean."

Zelda nodded, though she wished that she could sleep a little more. But the time was nye.

"Good. I was really worried about you, you know." This maid in front of her was her best friend's mother. On instinct, Zelda tightly embraced Telma, internally telling her that she will reunite her with Urbosa someday.

Telma's eyes softened, hugging Zelda back. "Let me help you pick an outfit for the day. You and the prince must have some things to catch up on." She gave Zelda a wink.

Zelda knew exactly what Telma meant, her face turning beet red.


Zelda walked out of the room while following Telma. She was wearing a black and blue dress with a blue bow that was tied on the back of her head.

Telma giggled as she turned her head while walking. "You look like a doll! The prince will be starstruck when he sees you!"

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