Chapter 7: Shattered Dreams

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   It has been a few days since that encounter

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It has been a few days since that encounter. Zelda was on cloud nine, humming the familiar tune while swimming around in the castle halls.

Today was the day she would visit Link, thanks to Revali who had flew all around the land to try to find a chestnut colored hair Hylian with a black and white dog.

Zelda couldn't contain her excitement, wanting to swim up to the surface right now. But of course... There was Midna who was keeping watch of her and wouldn't let her do it. It irritated her to the core that her father would assign Midna such a task to keep an eye on her 24/7. She didn't need a babysitter.

Lost in her own thoughts, Zelda bumped into someone. Looking up, she saw that it was her father.

King Rhoam humbly smiled down at his daughter. "How have you been, dear Zelda?"

For the first time in a while, Zelda smiled at her father. "I'm doing very well, father. And yourself?"

King Rhoam let out a laugh. "Why, I'm doing well myself. I've been noticing that you've been humming to yourself and constantly daydreaming. Has something good happened?"

Wanting to keep this from her father, Zelda kept the smile on her face. "Not really. I've just been in a very good mood lately."

"Well! That's good to hear! It makes me happy to hear that you're happy, Zelda. That's all that matters to me."

Zelda sweated nervously, knowing if he found out the real reason, he wouldn't have said what he just said. "Thank you, father. If you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way now." Bowing her head, Zelda quickly swam away, humming the melody that echoed throughout the halls.

Still curious about why his daughter was in such a good mood, King Rhoam mentally put a reminder in his head to ask Midna about it later. Surely she would know why.


Somewhere out on the ocean floor surrounded with flowers and coral, Zelda was plucking petals off a white flower. Before going up to the surface again, she wanted to make sure that Link would feel the same way with a game of...

"Loves me... Loves me not... Loves me... Loves me not..." There was only one flower petal left, Zelda was ecstatic about it as she pulled the last petal. "Loves me!"

"Your highness!" Knowing that voice from anywhere, Zelda let out an annoyed groan. Midna swam towards her, looking very concerned. "Your highness, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Zelda let out a huff. "Can't you tell that I wish to be alone?"

"With all due respect, I cannot take my eyes off of you under his majesty's orders."

"Why can't my father realize that I'm an adult now?"

"I'm sure he does think that, but he just wants you to be safe."

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