Chapter 14: A Mother's Love

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   The very next day, Zelda was sitting on a tree trunk, trying to think of a way for Link to fall in love with her and kiss her

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The very next day, Zelda was sitting on a tree trunk, trying to think of a way for Link to fall in love with her and kiss her. In her hands, she was fumbling with the silent princess that Link had given her yesterday.

Letting out a sigh, Zelda felt the anxiety grow inside her. How was she going to do this in two days? She hoped by the latest tomorrow... Link would feel something towards her, and kiss her in the heat of the moment.

Shaking her head, Zelda let out another sigh. She ended up placing the silent princess in her hair. It stayed perfectly still, the stem staying place on the top of her ear. Smiling to herself, Zelda's eyes turned towards Link, who was sword training from a distance away. The best part of it was... He was shirtless.

The sweat was running down his bare chest, his face was red from rapid movements. Meanwhile, Zelda couldn't take her eyes off of him. Link swung the sword downwards, slicing a thick piece of wood in half. The two clean cut halves ended up falling at the same time.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Link grabbed a water bottle that was nearby, gulping  it down. Letting out a refreshed sigh, Link turned towards Zelda's direction. He waved at her, having her wave back. Walking over to her, Link put his sword away in the sheath that was on his side. "You can go inside the castle if you like. I'm going to be out here all day. I'm sure it'll be pretty boring if you keep watching me."

Zelda wanted to say, it wouldn't be boring if it's you. Even if she could talk, that would be too straight forward. Standing up from the tree trunk, Zelda waved goodbye as she headed towards the castle.

Link watched her go, feeling himself start to smile. He felt like his heart was being squeezed. He swore to himself that he would marry the mysterious maiden with the beautiful voice. But a little voice in his head kept telling him to go after this girl who has been brightening up his days.


Inside the castle, Zelda wandered around aimlessly. She had no idea where to go or what to do. Zelda heard paw prints pattering on the floor, seeing Twilight dashing towards her. Twilight happily barked as he saw Zelda, jumping on her while trying to lick her face.

Zelda ended up getting dog slobber all over her cheek which she didn't mind at all. She gently petted Twilight on the head, gradually petting down his back to the point where his tail was wagging erratically.

Twilight barked once and got off of her. He started dashing off and stopped, facing Zelda almost like he was wanting her to follow him.

Curiosity got the best of her. Zelda started following the dog who continued to run in the castle halls. On occasion, he would stop for Zelda to catch up before he dashed off once more.

Twilight made Zelda walk through the outdoor corridors which lead her to the other side of the castle. She had never been to this area before. The giant white posts had silent princess designs on them, making the atmosphere feel tranquil.

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