Chapter 18: Love and Lost

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   The wedding was beginning to take place

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The wedding was beginning to take place. Link and Lana were walking down the aisle together, their arms linked together.

Twilight was snarling at his owner's bride. He knew that she was a bad person even without realizing who she really was. He could tell that she had a bad aura. Lana glared at the dog, kicking her heel to his face, making poor Twilight whimper in pain. She proceeded to walk down the aisle like nothing had happened.

On the other hand, Zelda and Mipha saw the entire thing. Mipha shook her head slowly with a sad expression. "She's terrible." Zelda nodded in response, wishing she could just run towards Lana, and start beating her senseless.

But all Zelda could do was wait a little longer. Looking towards the sky, she saw that the sun was already a quarter gone. Feeling nervous, she prayed over and over that Midna's plan will work. Whatever it was. It was her only hope.

Arriving at the alter, Lana snuggled up to her soon-to-be husband. She looked towards Zelda with a smirk on her face. At that moment, Zelda saw red.

Taking a step forward, Mipha pulled her back before she did anything rash. "Please calm yourself."

Zelda never felt this angry before in her life. Cia was playing with her, she didn't want to stand for it. But just this once... She had to let it go and wait it out. In Zelda's mind, she was imagining tackling Cia to the ground.

   The priest started to speak. "Do you... Prince Link, take Lady Lana to be your lawful wedded wife?"

   Link, who was still under Cia's control, said his answer. "I do."

   During the same time, Midna had came out from Zelda's shadow, being careful that no one would see her. Floating towards the edge of the boat, she gave the signal. Zelda couldn't bare to watch this. It was heartbreaking. As much as she wanted to cry, she couldn't. She had to wait just a little bit longer.

   All of a sudden, the boat started rocking violently side to side. Wondering what was going on, she saw sea creatures that were jumping onto the ship. People started screaming, trying to get away from the sea creatures that came out of nowhere. They weren't going after the people, but straight towards...

   The sea creatures ended up tripping Lana over, ripping her dress and veil into shreds. A seal scooped under her, tossing her into the air various times. Zelda almost laughed at the sight. It was so satisfying. Wherever Midna was, she wanted to thank her and give her a high five.

   A seal ended up tossing her towards the table full of food, crashing into the giant wedding cake. Lana stood up, her hands turning into fists. "What the hell are you all- Huh?!"

   Looking up, Lana saw a whole army of Rito in the sky. Revali was right in the middle of all the Rito. With a twinkle in his eye, he smirked proudly. "Get ready, my fellow kinsmen. Because we're about to rock her world." All of the Rito were awaiting Revali's signal.

   Zelda and Mipha looked up in amazement. "What is he about to do..?"

   Midna floated towards them. Nobody was staring at her since they were all too busy looking at the army of Rito. "You're about to find out."

   Revali pointed one of his feathers towards Lana. "CHARGE!"

   At the same time, the Ritos went flying towards Lana. They were all about to land a punch. At this point, Lana was about to enter into a world of pain.

   The Ritos started punching her repeatedly at the same time, shouting the same phrase all at once. "ORA! ORA! ORA!"

   Zelda stared at disbelief. She didn't know if she should cheer them on or feel pity. She looked over towards Midna with a raised eyebrow. Midna just shrugged, averting her gaze to the side. "He thought about this part of the plan. I had nothing to do with this."

   Lana was down for the count. She had some strength left to get up, feeling aggravated with what was all happening. A sound of a snap could be heard. Looking up, Lana saw a lone thundercloud above her. Before she could make her escape, lightning struck down on her, making the shell pendant fly off of her neck. At the edge of the ship, Urbosa smirked proudly while holding onto the ledge of the ship.

   Zelda saw the pendant flying in the air, running to catch it before it could break. At the same time, Telma had happened to hear the snap, turning towards the direction of the sound. There she saw someone so familiar to her.

   Urbosa's eyes widened. Her mother had saw her. As much as she wanted to reunite with her now, it wasn't the right time. With a heavy heart, Urbosa dove right into the water. Telma ran towards the ledge of the boat, seeing that no one was there. She looked around, but the person who looked like her daughter was nowhere to be found. Tears welled up in her eyes, wishing it wasn't an illusion. "Urbosa..."

   Zelda was unable to catch the pendant as it broke near her feet. She saw the familiar glow that took her voice away that day. It was forming around, singing the song that was so familiar to her.

   At the same time, the result of the pendant breaking made Link snap out of its control. He held his head in pain, looking around in confusion. His eyes went towards Zelda... Who was singing the familiar song! Taking a step forward, he was trying to process the fact that Zelda had her voice back. "Zelda..?"

   "Link!" Zelda saying his name was like music to his ears. It was a miracle... She could finally talk!

   Brightly smiling, Link ran towards her, leaving the alter. "Zelda! I can't believe it!"

   Lana slowly sat up, her body was in a lot of pain. "Link! Get away from her!" Her voice sounded like her original self, having her clamp her hand over her mouth.

   Reaching Zelda, Link scooped her into his arms, lifting her up into the air while twirling. "It was you the whole time!"

   Putting her down, Zelda lightly flicked Link's forehead. "You're really dense, you know that?"

   Link chuckled, knowing that he was, in fact, dense. "I know."

   "Link... I... I wanted to tell you this for a while now. I-"

   Link pressed his finger to her lips, silencing her obvious attempted confession. "We'll talk later. For now... Let's let our lips do the taking."

   The heat rose up to Zelda's cheeks. Swallowing nervously, she started inching her face close to Link's. Just as their lips were just about to meet...

   The sun had completely set.

   Zelda felt an immense pain in her legs. It felt like she could no longer stand as she dropped to the floor. Link looked down, seeing that Zelda's legs had turned into a mermaid tail. "Zelda... You're..?"

   Zelda was having trouble breathing, trying to use her arms to sit up. "I... Wanted to tell you this..."

   Lana started laughing hysterically. "You're too late, little princess!" Her Hylian form melted away, revealing her true self. The people's reactions were horrid, disgusted to the point of almost vomiting on the spot. Midna went wide eyed. Without a second thought, she dove into the water below.

   Cia was crawling towards Zelda, her eight tentacles unable to walk on land. She grabbed Zelda roughly by the arm, pulling her up. Zelda was pushing her hand on Cia's hand to escape from her grasp to the point of scratching. "Let me go!"

   Cia gave Link a fake smile and waved. "So long, lover boy." With those last words, she jumped overboard while still holding Zelda captive.

   Link rushed towards the ledge in a panic. "ZELDA!" He lost her once, and he wasn't going to lose her again. Knowing what he had to do, Link ran towards a small boat attached to the ship in order to save Zelda. The girl he had been searching for this whole time needed him, not having a second thought about the consequences.

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