Chapter 20: Dream Glow

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   Zelda was hiding behind a rock, watching Renado and Telma helping up an unconscious Link

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   Zelda was hiding behind a rock, watching Renado and Telma helping up an unconscious Link. They were carrying him back towards the castle, assuming to get some medical treatment. She lowered her eyes, realizing that she would never get to be with Link. He was a Hylian. And she was a mermaid. Their worlds would never collide again.

   Urbosa swam over to her, seeing the sadness in Zelda's eyes. Placing her hand on her back, she assured Zelda that it was going to be ok. Zelda sighed through her nose. "Thank you, Urbosa. Are you doing alright?"

   Urbosa nodded. "I am. When I woke up, I noticed that something was different with me. I had to get help from Midna to help me swim up to the surface."

   Zelda cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

   "See for yourself." Urbosa lifted a leg above the water.

   Zelda's eyes widened at the sight. "Your spell is broken! That's great news!"

   "It is. And that means..." Urbosa's gaze went over towards Telma. "I can finally reunite with my mother."

   Zelda smiled bittersweetly. "Yes, you can."

   "But what about you? Will you alright without me?"

   "I'll miss you, but... Your mother has been waiting long enough."

   "You're right." Urbosa let out a sigh. "I'll stay here for just a little bit longer to make sure you're alright. Plus... I need something to clothed myself with."

   "Princess Zelda!" A familiar voice called out. Turning her head, Zelda saw two familiar faces even though their appearances looked different. Mipha and Sidon has reverted back to their Zora form.

   Swimming towards Zelda, Mipha and Sidon came to a halt. Mipha ended up bowing her head in gratitude. "I cannot thank you enough for changing us back."

   Zelda ended up bowing her head as well. "It was no trouble at all."

   Mipha lowered her eyes with a bittersweet smile. "Although I will miss Telma... Sidon and I must return back to the Zora kingdom. I'm sure the Zora people who were freed need us to guide them."

   "They do." Zelda placed her hands on Mipha's shoulders. "I can understand that you feel nervous about running a kingdom without guidance yourself, but... I believe in you."

   Both Mipha and Sidon looked at Zelda in awe. Zelda's words fascinated Sidon, making him smiling brightly while striking a pose. "I believe in you, big sister!"

   Mipha gently patted Sidon's head. "Thank you, Sidon." She turned towards Zelda. "I hope that you will visit us sometime, Princess Zelda."

   Zelda nodded. "I will."

   Mipha then turned towards Urbosa. "Whenever you feel ready, your mother is there waiting for you. I'm sure she will be very happy to see you again."

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