Chapter 12: A Worried Father

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   In the underwater kingdom of Hyrule, King Rhoam was awaiting the news of the whereabouts of his daughter

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In the underwater kingdom of Hyrule, King Rhoam was awaiting the news of the whereabouts of his daughter. He was strumming his fingers on the side of his shell throne, hoping that his helper would give him some good news.

Navi quickly swam up to him, her face looking uncertain. King Rhoam wore an anxious expression, swallowing hard. "Any sign of them?"

Navi shook her head sadly. "No, your majesty. We searched everywhere. There is no sign of your daughter or Midna."

It's been about a few days since they were missing. Where could they have gone? Has something bad to the two? He didn't want to jump to conclusions. "Keep searching. We will not rest until those two come home safe."

With a tired sigh, Navi bowed. "Yes, your majesty." Her eyes longed for sleep, continuing to be a part of the search party for Zelda and Midna as she swam away.

King Rhoam let out a sigh. If he thought about it, he was part of the reason why Zelda had ran away. Destroying her precious things out of anger, he knew that he had taken it too far.

He wished he could take it all back.


A flashback started, showing a younger version of King Rhoam when he had blonde hair instead of white. He found it strange that his wife has been absent as of recently, wondering if something was wrong.

Turning around, King Rhoam saw his wife swimming with her head lowered. Something was definitely wrong. "What ever is the matter, Hylia?"

Hylia raised her head, shaking her head with a small smile. "It's nothing at all. I'm just exhausted."

King Rhoam lowered his eyes. "You've been exhausted for a while now. Do you feel unwell?"

Hylia shook her head. "I'm alright. I just sang Zelda to sleep, making me tired myself. If you'll please excuse me..."

As she was about to swim away, King Rhoam grabbed her by the arm. "Hylia, please. I know there's something bothering you. The look in your eyes... The tone of your voice... It isn't sitting right with me. Tell me what's been troubling you. I want to make it better. Please tell me what's been eating you away."

Not expecting it, tears were running down Hylia's face. "I... I don't..."

King Rhoam's heart dropped at the sight of his wife breaking down. "Dear..."

Hylia clung to King Rhoam, embracing him tightly. Her sobs were enough to know that she was bearing something heavy. "I only have two days left to live... I... I had to give up my lifespan to protect Zelda... To protect you..."

The king was shocked about the news, his eyes widening. "You... What? Why? Why would you need to give up your lifespan?"

"I... I was threatened. If I didn't go away, she would kill you and Zelda. So I..."

"She? Who is this she?"

There was a pregnant pause. His wife's answer would put the king into shock. "Your advisor. Cia."

It felt like the entire world was shattering around King Rhoam. He couldn't believe that his trustworthy advisor that worked for him for years would want his wife gone. "What..? How could she do that..? Why would she..?"

"Dear..." Hylia embraced King Rhoam even tighter. "Promise me this. Promise that you will keep watch of Zelda for me when I'm gone. Please..."

"Don't say such-"

"I cannot do anything to prevent myself from disappearing. Make sure you never let her fall or make her cry. Catch her and wipe her tears away. Protect Zelda from her. Because now... She will only have you to depend on."

For the first time in his life, King Rhoam felt hopeless. Utterly hopeless. He had to confront Cia about this. Asking why she was putting his wife through something so devastating.

To no longer be there for Zelda.

"I will do my best to protect our daughter. I'm so sorry that I have failed to protect you... To be so blind..."

Hylia continued sobbing on his chest, her cries were clear enough that she didn't want to disappear. Her husband and daughter were her world. She didn't want to leave her husband or her young daughter who still needed a mother's guidance. King Rhoam silently comforted his wife. He felt sadness in his heart, his blood boiling with anger. But for now... He needed to be here with his wife to cherish their last moments. It was too much to bear. Even for a king who had to conceal his vulnerable emotions.


Back in the present, King Rhoam opened his eyes, sighing about the memory that brought him nothing but sadness. It felt like not only has he failed being king, but as a father.

He hurt Zelda. He made her cry. He made her fall when she needed to be caught, needing a parent be there for her. But he had done the complete opposite. If he could start everything over, he would be more considerate of Zelda's feeling, be supportive of her hobbies even when he was against it.

Putting his hand over his eyes, King Rhoam was trying his best to fight back tears. "What have I done..?" It felt like it was all his fault that Zelda was gone. After all this time of trying to figure it out, he was the problem. But now, he wanted to be the solution.

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