Chapter 16: The Witch's Interception

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   Watching from a magical glass bubble, Cia witnessed the boat Link and Zelda were on tipping over

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Watching from a magical glass bubble, Cia witnessed the boat Link and Zelda were on tipping over. All thanks to her loyal servants. "Nice work, girls." Cia's wicked smile turned into a frown. "That little..! At this rate, she'll be kissing him before sunset tomorrow!"

Cia swam towards the cabinets full of potions, trying to pick out specific ones. She began throwing some potions into a cauldron, making the entire area filled with smoke.

Cia inhaled the smoke from the brewing potion. "It's time to take things into my own hands! I'm coming for you, little princess." A wicked smile appeared on her face. "Just like I did to your mother."


A flashback started, showing Cia near King Rhoam's side. She was kissing up to him, obeying every order he had demanded.

Cia bowed her head with a seductive smile. "Yes, your majesty." She began rubbing her hand on his arm, being obviously flirtatious with the king.

King Rhoam harshly brushed her hand off of him. "How many times must I tell you this?! Do not behave in such an inappropriate manner! I am devoted to my wife and only her!"

Trying not to frown, Cia backed away. "Very well then." She swam away from the king, feeling a bit heartbroken. Truthfully, she had loved the king with all her heart. She wanted to be with him. Who cares if he had a wife and child?!

An idea popped into Cia's head, a wicked smile appeared on her face. She had to find King Rhoam's wife in order for this plan to work.

Swimming around the castle, Cia finally spotted Hylia. Putting on her nice face, she swam towards the queen. "Your majesty! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

The queen gulped, not looking Cia in the eye. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to... Make a bargain with you."

The queen raised an eyebrow. "What ever do you mean?"

Sweetly smiling, Cia went close towards the queen, whispering this in her ear. "If you do not follow through, I will kill your husband and daughter without hesitation."

Grunting, the queen backed away in disbelief. "What..?"

Cia's face curled into a devious smile. "You heard me, your majesty."

"N-No... I can't listen to you..."

"Then prepared to say goodbye to your loved ones." As soon as Cia began swimming away, the queen grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Wait." Cia smirked to herself, waiting for what the queen had to say. "What is it that you want me to do?"

"It's very simple." Cia turned around, revealing her evil smile, her eyes looked hysteric. "You will drink a potion that will turn you into sea foam in three days."

"You want me to... Disappear?"

"Yes! But if you don't... I'll kill them. And you cannot tell anyone about this. Especially not the king and that daughter of yours." Cia was lying through her teeth, hoping that the queen would take the bait. With a heavy heart, the queen agreed.

It wasn't long before the queen couldn't hold the end of her bargain. Cia had heard the queen spill her feelings to King Rhoam, spoiling her plans. She knew that the king will exile her once he saw her.

Cia at that point, swore to herself that she will get her revenge. King Rhoam wouldn't accept her anymore, angering her even more. She wanted to make him feel pain. She wanted him to regret not choosing her. For not loving her, she wanted to bring him down.

That was when she started putting her other plan into action. Overthrowing the Zora kingdom to bring King Rhoam's morale down.


Back to the present, Cia felt the power surging through her. The smoke started going into the shell pendant that stored Zelda's voice. "His daughter will be mine! He will feel true pain!"

Cia's laughed echoed through her hideout. Her laugh was turning high pitched, her appearance was changing into a beautiful Hylian with blue hair.


At the kingdom of Calatia, Link was playing the illuminating melody on his ocarina. Even now, he still wanted to know who the mysterious maiden was who sang this tune. Pausing in the middle of the song, Link let out a sigh. Even if he wanted to meet her, was she really just a fantasy like Renado said?

Looking up towards a castle window, Link saw Zelda brushing her hair with an actual hair brush. He chuckled to himself, remembering that she had use a fork to brush her hair before.

His smile disappeared, looking down at his ocarina. Link had a decision to make. Continue searching for the maiden with the beautiful voice? Or give up and continue getting to know Zelda? Making his choice, Link threw the ocarina towards the ocean. He was unable to see it any longer as it got lost in the rushing waves.

Looking up at Zelda's window, he started to walk over towards her bedroom window. "Zel-" He paused, hearing a very faint familiar song.

Turning around, Link saw something glowing in the night. Trying to see what it was, Link started rushing towards it. As he was getting closer, he started to hear the song more clearly.

It was that song!

As Link got closer and closer towards the light, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. His eyes started glowing yellow, his expression was deadpan. Seeing that she had Link right where she wanted him, Cia, who was disguised as a Hylian woman, smirked to herself.

Link was under her control.

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