Flashback(Part II)-Asra(The Arcana)X Male Reader

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Previously on Flashback...
Asra and Y/N celebrate Y/N's birthday when they find out something in the past that comes to haunt them all...
Asra,Y/N,Nadia,Portia,Mabel and Julian were gathered around the table.
Asra made them all hold hands so he could open the time portal.
A:Y/N...What ever you do...don't let my hand...
Y/N bit his lip then nodded.
Asra chanted until finally...
Y/N's eyes shut open and the other four were all in a line as they flew through time and space.
Everything went bright and suddenly...
Y/N was on the floor of dust and dirt.
He recognized this village...it was the village he lived in...just many years before...
He spotted Asra...except...younger...
A:Y/N...Y/N are you okay...?
Y/N:Asra!Where are you?
A:I'm at some castle...I think the spell divided us into different time zones...I need you to focus on getting my parents...
Y/N:Asra...they've already been taken..
A:I...Hold on...Just stick around...be careful...try not to do anything to rational...
Y/N:I will...
Y/N followed past Asra.
A:If only Julian knew who my heart truly belongs to...
Y/N sighed as he looked at how dreamy Asra is.
Suddenly the door to the shop swung open.
J:Honey!I'm home!
Past Asra rolled his eyes as Past Julian leaned in for a kiss.
Past Asra allowed him and kissed Past Julian.
PJ:I hope we can have some dessert tonight...
PA:You know I have to complete my spells...
PJ:come on...lighten up...
PA:oh alright...
Y/N gasped and had a flashback to last night.
A:Y/N...I've never touched anyone else the way I touched you...
Flashback End...
Y/N:h-he lied...
Suddenly as Y/N turned to run he ran right into Asra.
A:Y/N...why do you look so sad...
Y/N:why don't you look for yourself...
Surely as Asra peeked through the window he seen a very interesting sight.
A:Y-Y/N...he means nothing-
Y/N:You lied!
A:Y/N...I'm sorry...
He went to grab his hand.
Y/N:don't touch me Asra..
Asra sighed as he watched the love of his life leave.
He looked back into the window and kicked the ground angrily.
Y/N sat in a garden by himself.
He sat with his knees to his chest when someone approached him.
Y/N:Asra I said to leave me alone....Wait...Lucio?!
Lucio gave an evil smile.
L:Ah what a sight! The witches pet distraught...
Y/N:I'm not anyone's pet...
L:oh...what happened between you two...
Y/N:he lied...had me convinced I was the only one he wanted to be with...
Lucio sat next to him.
L:you know Y/N...you remind me a bit of myself...always trusting the wrong people...so what if Asra is lying...you need to show him what he's missing...
Lucio used his prosthetic hand to grab Y/N by his chin and squish his cheeks.
L:Why don't you join me...we can be unstoppable...
Y/N sighed as his face got closer to Lucio.
Suddenly someone shouted at them.
L:Evil man? How dare you...last I checked you aren't so nice yourself...
A:I don't steal people's parents...
L:And I don't deliberately lie to my lover only to have him end up crying by himself...what kind of boyfriend are you to Y/N...because he doesn't seem very happy...
Asra's eyes met with Y/N's.
A:Y/N...I'm sorry...please...come with me...
Lucio wrapped his arm around Y/N.
L:Face it...Y/N chose me,over you...of course I don't blame him...
He smirked as he wrapped his prosthetic around Y/N's neck.
Y/N gave Asra a look.
Y/N:yeah!How could I love such a pathetic witch like you!
Asra was hurt.
A:Y-Y/N...please...I love you... I'd do anything for you...
Y/N:Was reviving me really the greatest thing to do? Was it?You only put me in more danger...
Asra sighed as his eyes filled with tears as he looked down.
L:That's enough now...come along Y/N...we have your ex in laws to visit...
Y/N:Sure thing...
Lucio opened a portal but before Y/N could be pushed in,he shoved Lucio in closing the portal.
Y/N threw himself at Asra.
Y/N:Asra...I was only acting so he could give us a bit of alone time to talk...
Y/N wiped Asra's tears away kissing his lovers lips.
A:Y/N...I'm sorry I lied to you...
Y/N:I'm sorry I overreacted...
A:It's alright...I'd overreact if someone touched you too...I almost ripped Lucio's other arm off for laying his hands on you.
Y/N giggled then Asra lifted hid face by his chin.
Their lips were so close.
Asra sealed the space by placing a passionate kiss on his lovers lips.
Faust wrapped around Y/N.
F:Friend No more sad!
Y/N smiled and booped his noes to Faust's.
Y/N:Asra...about that pregnancy spell you did on me... I'm-
J:Thank goodness we found you!
They turned to Julian,Portia,Mabel,and Nadia standing in the entrance of the garden.
N:Lucio has gone farther back in time...we need to stop him...
Y/N nodded getting up and wrapping his arms around Asra.
Asra carried Y/N and Faust to chant a new portal to carry them farther back in time.
Y/N,Faust and Asra held each other as they traveled farther and farther...
Y/N landed in Asra's arms.
Y/N gave him a kiss on the nose.
Y/N:my strong man...
Asra smiled and said:
A:I'll go find the portal to my parents Chambers...you go find younger me...I suspect he'll want to do something to me...
Y/N nodded and headed to the marketplace.
Y/N:Little Asra...where would he be...
Suddenly you seen two small boys...
One with light hair and purple eyes.
The other with dark hair and brown eyes.
They ran right into you.
Suddenly an angry shopkeep chased after them and grabbed the light haired one.
?:Your dead once I bring you back to my shop!I'll make you minced meat and sell you by the pound!
Child Asra whimpered as child Mabel watched helplessly.
Y/N stepped in.
Y/N:That's enough!
He grabbed child Asra's arm from the shopkeep's hand.
Y/N:Here take it!
Y/N tossed a coin purse at the man.
Y/N:and next time I see you lay your hand on either of them!I'll have your head!
The man looked down at Y/N.
?:oh...and what's a puny young man gonna do to protect your boy...
Asra appeared behind the man.
A:That young man's lover will turn you into toad stew!
The man turned and was face to face with Asra.
Child Asra had ran away with the food he'd stolen and left the two to deal with the man.
Asra was slightly taller and had more muscle even though the man was heavyset.
The man scoffed.
?:yeah!whatever!Once a witch always a witch am I right?
Y/N growled at the guy.
Y/N:Yeah I wonder who'd buy you as minced meat!
Asra carried Y/N away as he shouted at the man.
Y/N:Asra your supposed to be finding your mother...
A:I know but the portal is sealed with some special magic...I couldn't bare to risk Faust...besides...I don't think my parents have been taken yet let's go see them...
Y/N and Asra peeked through Asra's childhood home as him and his parents had a fun time.
Asra's mother coughed and went upstairs to her room.
Child Asra went into the kitchen and started speaking to the tea pot.
CA:Pot!Tea please!
Pot:How dare you demand something you ungrateful brat!
The pot went to pour hot tea over Child Asra when Asra guided Y/N's hands to make the pot collapse to the ground.
Asra's father ran down.
S:oh dear Asra...what have you done...
Salim laughed.
Aisha also came down.
AI:Oh my tea pot...what have you boys done...
Little Asra here demanded some tea from the poor pot...he couldn't handle it...
Aisha laughed and scooped up Asra.
Y/N smiled as he cuddled into his lovers side.
Suddenly two familiars wrapped themselves around Child Asra.
Y/N giggled as he kissed Asra's cheek.
Y/N:You were so cute!
A:I needed to grow into my hair...wait what do you mean was...?
Y/N whispered into his ear.
Y/N:Now your sexy...
S:Can you say Flamel?
Aisha laughed.
A:no need to worry dear... he'll learn them soon enough...
Suddenly a great evil appeared.
Asra's eyes widened.
A:I'm following them...Y/N take care of child Asra...
Y/N nodded and they entered the house.
The devil glared at the two and grabbed Aisha and Salim.
D:ah...we met again...
Aisha and Salim looked up.
A:I-is that our...
S:baby boy...
Asra smiled then glared.
D:Take another step closer and younger you will cease to exist making you and you die...
Asra's eyes widened as Child Asra was being held by two guards.
Y/N:Palace guards....Lucio...
Lucio stepped out.
L:Ha!I can get pay back on Y/N for tricking me...
Y/N:Lucio let him go!he's a child!
L: he'll grow up to be a disgrace!he's nothing but a stupid brat!no wonder his parents left him.
Child Asra's eyes widened and he started crying when Asra glared at him and tackled him.
Y/N dove between the guards hugging child Asra and formed a force field for the two.
Y/N:don't listen to that evil man...he's nothing but trouble.
Y/N looked up and seen Asra dive through the portal after his parents.
The guards were now piling on the forcefield which Child Asra,Y/N and Faust were in.
Child Asra whimpered and dug his head into Y/N's shoulder.
Y/N:you ready...I'm going to do something that you taught me...
CA:I-I taught you...?
Y/N:Yes...you did...stand back by Faust...
Faust wrapped herself around Child Asra and Y/N broke the force field sending the men flying back.
As soon as they got up Y/N got ready to fight.
He charged at Y/N and he formed a portal underneath his feet teleporting him up and sending him crashing down onto the guard.
Child Asra sniffled as he watched Y/N show off his abilities to him.
Y/N repeated that until finally no one was standing.
Child Asra jumped into his arms and Faust wrapped around the two and Y/N ran out.
He didn't know where they were going but he knew anywhere was better than there.
Time Skip...
Y/N spotted the hut where Mabel would soon stay.
Y/N opened the door and found it to be dusty and run down.
Y/N examined his area and started a fire in the fireplace.
CA:Where are we?
Y/N: We're at a friend's house...they won't mind us staying here...
F:Friends house good!
Y/N smiled as he finished getting everything ready.
Y/N:Asra would you like something to eat...
CA:n-no I'm not hungry...
Child Asra sat next to the windowsill and put his head down.
Y/N sat next to him and realized he had been crying.
Y/N:what's the matter...
Child Asra threw himself at Y/N.
CA:was Lucio right...did my parents leave because they didn't want me...am I really just a ungrateful brat...
Y/N:No...your parents always want you...they left because that evil man forces them to...Asra...your a wonderful little boy...and you will grow up to be a talented, handsome,perfect,amazing man...
CA:What will you be to me...will you always be my guardian angel...?
Y/N smiled and said.
Y/N:yes...I'll always be in here...
Y/N placed a finger over his heart.
Y/N:Since you know me now...I have a little secret for you...I tried a pregnancy spell on myself...and I'm going to have a child...
CA:ooh!wait...if you needed a spell...who's the father...
Suddenly Y/N felt a large pair of hands grab him.
Y/N turned and had his lips met with Asra.
Y/N kissed back and Asra finally pulled away.
CA:wait....I grow up to be your lover...I always thought you were really pretty...
Y/N blushed as Asra gave him a look.
A:Y/N...I can't believe your really pregnant...
Y/N:Yes Asra...this is our baby...and I can't wait for him to meet his awesome father...
Asra smirked.
A:Well he can't forget about his caring mommy...
Y/N blushed as he was just called to be the mom.
A:listen Asra...don't worry....everything will turn out to be just fine...
Child Asra nodded.
A:now rest...you will be heading to your friend Mabel's okay...?
CA:okay...night night...
Y/N:Goodnight sweetheart...
Y/N gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and they left the boy in the hut.
A:he traveled a bit closer to present...everyone else is safe...are you ready Y/N...
Y/N:I'm ready.
F:Friends Ready!
Asra smiled as he got ready to transport them through time.
They landed on an island.
They recognized this place.
They heard weeping.
Y/N and Asra looked at each other with wide eyes.
Y/N:Asra...this is...
A:When you died...
They hurried to the weeping to Past Asra crying as he dug through the ground.
Past Asra fell to the floor crying as all he could find was bones and Ash.
Y/N cried into Asra's shoulder as Asra couldn't bare the fact that Y/N was dead.
Y/N ran to Past Asra.
PA:Y-YN?!My love!
Y/N:Asra...listen to me...I'm Future Y/N...I need to tell you... I'm not mad at you for arguing with me...I love you even in death...
Past Asra threw himself at Y/N as Y/N hugged him.
PA:w-wait...if your future Y/N...that means...
A:Yes Asra...he's alive...it comes with a cost...you give part of your heart to the devil...please...don't force yourself into a relationship just because you feel pressured...Y/N is your only love and you know that...
Past Asra sniffled.
Y/N: Your parents are in grave danger...but your biggest challenge is getting me back...Good luck Asra...
Y/N planted a sweet kiss on Past Asra's lips.
Asra smiled and they hurried to where they were keeping his parents.
Y/N gasped as they opened the door to Lucio holding Asra's father over Lava and The Devil holding Asra's mother also over Lava.
Their familiars were both tied up as well.
A:I'll go after my mother...you go for my father...
Y/N:Asra no!you sacrificed enough for me...it's my turn to sacrifice for you...
Y/N:I'll be okay...
Asra gave him a kiss before pursuing after Lucio.
Y/N glared at the devil.
D:Ah!Y/N what a pleasant surprise...
Y/N:cut it Devil...if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get...
The devil glared at him setting down Aisha.
D:you...dare challenge me...?
Y/N:You.Me.Lets go!
Aisha rushed to Y/N and he hugged her.
Y/N:go help your son...
AI:His father can help him...now let's handle this devil...
Y/N smirked as he combined his powers with Aisha and they became very powerful.
However Y/N lost concentration when he heard Asra struggle.
Y/N turned and seen Asra being held over Lava.
Suddenly Y/N was knocked to the side.
Aisha and Salim were under the devil's spell as Aisha walked towards Y/N and Salim to Asra.
Their eyes glowed red.
AI,S:You dare forsaken our ruler?!
Y/N:Aisha...I'm not gonna fight you...
Y/N struggled but Aisha started stepping on his fingers and Salim did the same to Asra.
Y/N:Devil...stop this...
Suddenly Chimes and Flamel wrapped around their owners and slapped them out of their trance as Faust wrapped around The Devil.
The devil struggled until tossing Faust away.
Y/N groaned as he tried to keep Faust up.
However Lucio walked up to Y/N.
L:Poor Faust...too bad she had to meet her peril.
Y/N tried to stay focused on keeping Faust afloat when Lucio grabbed him
L:Let her die...at least you'll see her back on the other side...
Suddenly Lucio was lifted in the air by Salim and Aisha.
S,AI:no one touches our son or his lover!
They opened a portal and tossed Lucio away.
The four turned to the devil.
They smirked as they all joined hands.
D:You think you can really overpower me...
Y/N:Let's go...
The devil growled as he charged at the four.
Time Skip...
Y/N smiled as he held his beautiful baby boy in one hand and his baby girl in the other.
Asra smiled as he wrapped his arms around Y/N giving him a backhug.
A:I can't believe we have twins....
Y/N: I'm happy that we're all okay...
Asra smiled and kissed him.
Aisha and Salim walked in followed by their familiars.
AI:My precious grandchildren!
S:They'll grow up to be very talented magicians...
Y/N:they do come from a very long line of talented magicians...
Asra smiled.
A:Y/N had a hard labor but I'm glad he and our babies are okay...and my hand.
Y/N smiled and Salim chimed in.
S:What are their names...?
A:There names are Edenia and Ezra...
Faust came in followed by the newest addition to their familiar families.
AI:I can see Faust has young ones of her own...
A:At least Edenia and Ezra will have familiars of their own...besides i plan on having 25 more kids with Y/N!
Y/N giggled.

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