The Sheriff's Husband-Rick Grimes(TWD) X Male Reader

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A/N: This is kind of similar to the idea of my last book with Daryl Dixon, called DMW, we have The Sheriff's Husband... enjoy!

Y/N had been cooking by the stove when his phone rang.

He took in his surroundings as the dreaded news of his husband was announced.

"Hey, Y/N its Shane...Its Rick...he's been shot...", Shane says.

Y/N's eyes widen as if in slow motion he drops his phone.

His vision blurs as next thing he knows he's meeting Shane in the hospital.

"Jesus Y/N! This entire hospital is quarantined...", Shane says.

"I don't care! Where is my husband?", Y/N asks.

Shane leads the smaller male into a room where the unconscious man laid.

On his chest was a white patch of bandaids.

Y/N gasps as tears fall and he touches his husbands face.

Suddenly there was commotion outside and Shane told Y/N to stay with Rick.

"Rick, baby you're stronger than're my hero...I know you'll be okay...", Y/N said placing a gentle kiss on his husbands forehead.

Rick lets out a small grunt and Shane closes the door and motions at Y/N to hush.

Suddenly a loud bang and the entire room shakes as something hits the roof above.

Y/N's eyes widen as Rick's machine is switched off.

Shane checks his pulse and sighs.

"Hes not dead! Not dead!", Y/N says beginning to cry.

"Listen, Y/N...there's soldiers and monsters out there...I will not let you stay here and abandon your son!", Shane says.

Of course,  how could Y/N forget...his beautiful baby boy, Carl.

He was only twelve.

Y/N wipes his tears and turns to his husband giving him one last peck on the lips before being led away by Shane.

Time Skip...

Shane had made a pit stop to grab his wife, Lori who Y/N didn't like very much, and they were off to Carl's school.

The sound of the bell ringing could be heard as children fluttered around everywhere.

And soon, Carl's bright smile outshined everything.

Y/N gave him a smile, through his tears.

Carl's smile slowly fades as he got closer to his papa.

"Papa, whats wrong? Where's dad?", Carl asks.

"Carl...Your papa was shot...", Y/N says.

Time went on as Y/N missed his husband even more.

He gently held onto his wedding ring as he sat in the back of the Peletier's car.

"Your husband dead or somethin'?", Ed asks.

"Ed...", Carol says gently as Carl and Sophia look up.

"Here have some snacks Carl...I bet you're hungry...", Carol says gently.

"No! Don't share with that fag family! Think about us first Carol!", Ed says slapping her across the face.

Carol's weeping faded as Y/N sat with Carl in the Atlanta camp.

It had been a few days, and Y/N wasn't accepting his husbands death, he knew he was out there.

There was talk of the group of survivors returning, and Y/N had hoped slightly that Rick would turn up with them.

Carl played in front of Y/N's view when a truck pulled up.

Out stepped Andrea, Amy running excitedly to her.

Then Morales who was greeted by his family.

"Maybe Dad could be somewhere with them?", Carl asks.

Y/N sighs and hugs Carl closely.

As they stop hugging they turn to see the taller, brown haired male with a sherrif's hat and his uniform standing amazed as he sees the two.

Y/N's eyes widen as he and Carl run to the taller male.

He kisses Carl's forehead, then Y/N's lips.

"Rick, I thought you were-", Before Y/N could finish Rick cut him off.

"Gone? I'll never leave you Y/N...I hope you know that...", Rick says wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist.

Suddenly another male, Daryl,  stepped out looking for his brother.

"Daryl...something went wrong with your brother...", Rick says.

"You mean hes dead?", Daryl asks angrily.

"Hes not dead...I handcuffed him to a pole on a roof...", Rick says.

"You handcuffed my brother to a roof?!", Daryl asked angrily.

"It wasn't his fault...I dropped the key...", T-Dog admitted.

"Ya couldn't pick it up?!", Daryl asks.

"Look, let's think rationally here...Rick, Glenn, and T-Dog...why don't you take him to where his  brother is...", Y/N says.

"Y/N, are you sure you want me to leave again?", Rick asks.

"It'll give him peace of mind...don't worry, you'll be back in no time...", Y/N says kissing his husbands cheek.

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