Dead Man Walking (Part 5)- Daryl Dixon(TWD) X Male Reader

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Y/N hugged his taller husband closer as he drove through the night.
Y/N couldn't help but space out.
He had a flashback of his mom.
Y/N's mother had been waiting for him since he snuck out to meet up with Daryl.
He tiptoed into the living room when suddenly the lights flash on.
Mom:Where the fuck have you been sneaking off to?
Y/N sighs as he turns on his heel towards the kitchen.
Mom: We're not done with this conversation!
She follows Y/N into the kitchen.
Mom:Listen... I accept you as gay and you repay me by sneaking off with that delinquent Dixon boy?
Y/N:repay? Mom you don't owe me anything by accepting the fact that I like what you like-
Mom: are you still a virgin?
Y/N stayed silent.
Mom:Are you still a virgin...?
Mom:God damnit Y/N-!
Flashback Ends...
Y/N shakes his head and he looks up at his husband and takes in his surroundings.
D:Made sure we had the lovers suite for the night...
He says smirking as he holds a bloody crossbow.
Y/N looked around at a not too shabby cabin.
D: We'll rest here for the night and in the morning go back to the highway...
Y/N:B-but Daryl...Danny's out there... he's never had to stay the night without us...
D:Well where did you see him last...
Y/N recalls the sight of the blue truck.
T-Dog in the driver seat, Beth in the middle, Lori and Danny packed in.
Y/N:he's with Lori...
D:Well we already know Lori'll do anything to keep him let's ease your mind...
He said smirking as he motioned for Y/N to follow him to the living room.
Y/N smiles as he takes off his clothes and lays next to Daryl on the couch.
Y/N ran a hand down his midsection and then grabbed his monstrous member.
D:mm...Y/N...can't wait to be deep inside of you...
Time Skip...
D:Shit! Y/N!
The two stop as they both cum at the same time.
Y/N climbs off Daryl and lays next to him tracing random patterns on his chest.
D:Y/N...where were you when it happened...
Y/N sighs remembering the day...
?:Y/N! We got more with this sickness...
Y/N scurried through the crowded building with his bestie and fellow nurse, Sherry.
Y/N stabilized the dying man and waited a bit for a response for the man...
Sherry went to reach over to fix his IV when suddenly the man attacked her.
He grabbed her arm and tried to bite her.
Y/N:Sir! Calm down!
Y/N pulled Sherry away and the man went after him.
Y/N tried to defend himself by pushing one of the machines in front of him.
The man's head collided with a crackle and him and Sherry hurried out of the room.
In the lobby was no better.
More of the patients weren't acting normal.
The two crammed into a community closet the workers used to store things.
Suddenly those walkers were pushing at the door.
Y/N quickly pushed against it and Sherry held her bleeding wrist...
Y/N's eyes widened.
Y/N:Sherry no...
Due to being stunned with the scene Y/N felt the door slam open sending him against the wall.
The walkers tackled Sherry and all Y/N could do was run.
He could still recall Sherry's blood curdling screams as he escaped the office.
At home Y/N was a wreck.
DY:Papa where's daddy?
Y/N:Daddy's out at work...we need to go get him...
Y/N picked up his house phone.
Y/N:Daryl! Can you hear me? Please pick up!
DY:Papa what's wrong with Mrs. Jackson?
Y/N turned to see the elderly woman approach the entrance limping.
She snarled and Y/N screamed as he knocked over a vase...
Flashback Ends...
Daryl pulled Y/N closer.
D:Y/ love...I heard the voicemail...I just didn't want to come home to find you and Danny...
Y/N pulls his lover closer kissing his lips.
D:I couldn't handle seeing ya' become one of those monsters...
Y/N:I'm better now...and I'm not letting them take me...
The Next Morning...
Y/N sat on the back of Daryl's motorcycle as he drove to where they left Sophia.
He immediately spotted Hershel,Carol,Rick and Carl as they pulled in.
Maggie and Glenn followed and so did T-Dog and Lori.
Everyone got out of their cars and reunited.
DY:Papa! Daddy!
Y/N:oh thank God!
Y/N said as his small bundle of joy ran up to him and his husband and hugged him.
Y/N smiled seeing Beth and Maggie and Hershel together...but then a gloomy feeling fell upon them...
H:Where's Patricia?
B:They got her...I held onto her...but they got her...
Beth said crying.
Y/N: Amy's gone too...
C:Andrea saved me...
They all sighed and got back on the road in search of somewhere safe.
They came across a somewhat empty house and picked it clean and Carl brought out a can of food...
Everyone was silent and Y/N spoke up.
Y/N:what ya got there buddy?
Rick angrily grabs it and examines it.
He chucks it across the room and T-Dog says.
TD:Guys...we got more walkers!
They look out and immediately gather their things to get ready to leave.
They find themselves camping surrounded by brick.
Y/N cuddled with Danny and Daryl as they told stories.
Rick called Y/N aside to tell him something important.
R:Listen Y/N...don't tell anyone...I know it's bad to keep secrets but...that doctor back in Atlanta said you may be the cure... They've got a research lab in California...
Y/N:then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
R:It's not that easy Y/N...take a look around... we've all lost something big...we can't exactly hitchhike to California just yet...especially with Lori being pregnant and all...
Y/N sighed.
Y/N:y'know your right...I wouldn't want to put the rest of the group in danger and all...
R:Great it's settled then...

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