Dead Man Walking[Part 20]- Daryl Dixon (TWD)X Male reader

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Y/N's eyes look around at the spinning room and then he realizes...
He's in a hospital.
He looks up to see Beth standing over him.
Y/N:Beth...we need to get out of here...
Y/N tries to stand but then he realizes he's hooked onto a bunch of machines.
B:Y/N...there's something else you need to know...I looked over your file and...
Y/N's eyes widen at the sudden news.
B:They're making a deal with the captain of the police force...I doubt she'll let us both out of here...I'm going to stab her...
Y/N shakes his head.
Y/ if it comes down to it...maggie needs you to be there for her...
B:But Y/N your-
Y/ me...I have an idea...
B:well one of us needs this...
She holds out a small pair of scissors.
Y/N:that could barely cut paper...hold on...
Y/N reaches into his pants and pulls out a sheathed knife.
Y/N:your goodies always need to be protected...
B:how will you be able to hide it...?
Y/N bites his lip.
He looks at her cast.
Y/N:if I slip this into your cast promise me you wont cut yourself or get yourself killed?
B:I promise...
Y/N slips it into her cast and soon the door opens.
Two men walk in and they escort Y/N to the main hall.
He almost cries seeing Daryl and Rick.
He stands close to Beth as the two leaders go back and forth.
Soon they hand over a female cop and Y/N is ushered forward.
Y/N looks back at Beth.
Y/N:her first...
Beth's eyes widen at what he's doing.
Beth hugs Y/N and slips it into his pocket and walks forward.
Y/N could see the panic on Daryl's face as he glares at Dawn.
DA:two for one? That doesn't seem like a fair deal...
R:please...let's just all walk away from this...
N:no...I'll go...
Y/N glares at the kid.
Y/N:no...Dawn it doesn't matter what any of us have no control over anything that goes on out there...
DA:excuse me? We nursed you back to health...
Y/N:I could have done that on my own...
DA:whatever...come on Noah...
Y/N steps in front of Noah.
Y/N:we're leaving...
He says forcefully.
Dawn pulls out her gun.
DA:hand over the kid...
Y/N:Noah...I'm so sorry...
Before he could respond Y/N spins around slicing the knife through her neck.
She chokes and falls to the ground.
Everyone's guns are raised as Y/N picks up Dawn's gun.
?:enough! Lower your guns! That was between them...we won't get anywhere shooting at each other... she was out of control and needed to be stopped!
Y/N lowers his gun and turns walking towards his husband.
Daryl wraps his arms around Y/N and kisses him everywhere.
Y/N turns to Rick and claps him on the shoulder.
Y/N turns to Beth smiling as her and Noah look grateful at him.
He turns to the officer who made them stand down and she smiled at him.
?:thank you for solving that'll need these for your uh...situation...
She hands Y/N a bag.
He looks through the bag and finds gauze,pain meds,aspirin and .
D:Y/N...I was so worried about ya'...don't ever leave meh' like that ya hear?
Y/N chuckles as he jumps into his arms.
Y/N:carry me...
Daryl Carrie's Y/N bridal style as they walk out.
As they walk out they all see Maggie outside as they exit the hospital.
Beth's eyes fill with tears as she runs to Maggie hugging her.
Y/N smiles at Daryl and kisses him.
Danny,Carl and Mikah all run up to him.
DY:Papa are you okay?
Y/N nods.
C:We're glad to have you back!
Y/N:I'm glad to be back baby...
Hes lowered down as he hugs each kid.
MK:Y/N...where are we going next?
Y/N:I dunno we're going wherever the roads take us...
The group stops the firetruck as it's out of gas.
Rick,Michonne and Daryl bring in a bleeding out Tyreese.
Sasha is hysterical as Y/N hurriedly tries to check his vitals.
Y/N:(echo)hes lost too much blood...Tyreese..can you hear me??
Tyreese reaches forward touching his face and then everything goes dark.
Y/N's eyes widen.
Y/N:hes going to turn...
Y/N turns to Sasha.
Y/N:I'm so sorry...
Sasha sighs wiping her tears as she takes his hammer and kills him....
Y/N and the group begin walking.
He looks over to see Liam walking by himself.
Y/ got a minute?
He leads Liam behind a few trees.
Y/N:look...I need to tell you something...
He whispers into Liam's ear so no one could hear.
L:Y/N, what the hell...
Y/ can't tell anyone...promise me...
L:Y/N...what about my feelings?
Y/N:Liam I announced multiple times I was looking for my make me feel safe...I'm happy to have you a part of this group...but promise not to tell anyone...
Y/N smiles and they return with the group.
Time Skip...
It feels like they've been walking forever when suddenly they come across a few bottles of water.
Y/N looks to the group.
N:who would leave water out here?
R:probably someone tryna kill us...
Y/N looks around and sees Euguene pick one up.
E:I should try it...see if its safe for us to drink...
Suddenly the bottle is slapped out of his hand and hes met with a glaring Abraham.
Y/N:let's just pack these up...we'll be able to filter them sooner or later...
They stuff them into a duffle bag and suddenly they're met with a hard rain storm.
Y/N smiles relieved as he holds out his hands excited to get something to drink.
As the group enjoyed the water they suddenly realize its getting really cold.
Y/N:we need to get everyone to shelter!
He says putting his coat over Mikah's shoulders.
Daryl quickly runs through a field.
Y/N hugs the children close as they stand their getting drenched when Daryl shouts.
Daryl shouts to the entire group as they hurry into a shed.
Y/N sighs gently as he rests next to Daryl holding Judith closely.
Time Skip...
The next morning was calm and quiet as Y/N prepared the meal he could with the few supplies they had when Maggie and Sasha returned with a  man with his hands bound.
M:hes been followin' us...
Rick quickly ties him to a pole as Daryl protectively stand by Daryl.
R:I'm gonna send out a team to see if any of his people is out here lookin' for him...
Y/N:I'll watch judith....
D:you ain't stayin' here alone...
He says slumping down.
As the group is out the man,Aaron addresses Y/N.
A:you and him are a wonderful couple....
Daryl glares at him and he quickly shuts up.
Y/N:you don't know us...
A:but I do know he helped your people out of the and my husband Eric would get along great...
He says smiling.
Judith starts fussing and Y/N holds her bouncing her up and down.
A:if you reach in my bag theres some applesauce...
Daryl takes his bag and slips out the can.
Y/N:how do we know you didnt tamper with it?
A:what kind of sick person would drug a baby?
Y/N:I know of a few....
Daryl opens it and forces him to eat some.
A:my mother used to make me eat foods I didn't like to try and make me manlier...
Y/N sighs reminding himself of his own childhood.
However once the man isn't coughing up they decide to feed Judith the applesauce.
Soon Rick comes back with the rest of the group and he starts interrogating him.
R:where are you from?
A:a-Alexandria...your all welcome there...
AB:how do we know your not trying something?
A:Deeana sent me to keep an eye on you guys...
Y/N:who's Diana?
A:shes the leader of my community...
Glenn turns to Rick.
G:Rick...we don't have much of a choice...
Rick sighs.
R:We leave at dawn...
Y/N gives Aaron a gentle smile as they get ready for bed.
A/N:sorry to do Tyreese dirty with a small flashback but I was editing this chapter and realized I forgot his death...anyways happy valentines day again!

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