About camryn (who the story is about)

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Camryn is related to Darrel, Sodapop, and Ponyboy Curtis. she loves her brothers more then anything. she is part of a gang, but her brothers are also part of the gang. Camryn is 17 soda is her twin so that also makes him 17 but Camryn is way more mature the soda. Ponyboy is 14 he is the youngest in the family and in the gang but he is the smartest in the gang besides Darrel and Camryn. Darrel who goes by Darry is 20 he is the legal guardian of soda, pony, and Camryn.

The gang is like family to Camryn although she likes one of the guys oh wait did i say likes i meant LOVES one of the guys in the gang but we will get to their story in another chapter. the guys in the gang are the Curtis's (of course i mean it is technically their gang), Two-bit Mathews, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, Johnny Cade. Johnny and Ponyboy are considered the babies of the group because Pony is 14 and Johnny is 16 they are best friends.

dallas goes by dally or dal he is 17. two-bit goes by his nickname of he goes by two he is 18. Ponyboy goes by Pony and Sodapop goes by Soda.

ok now to the story

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