Chapter 4:the trap

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~Camryns p.o.v~

Dallas snapped at me I can't believe it so I ran off and suddenly I was shrouded by bob and his friends then Thomas joined the circle around me. I started to have an anxiety attack and I was hyperventilating and shaking as bob started to cut my long hair and made it short.

"Looks like you got a hair cut grease, do your beautiful blue eyes need a fix too." Thomas whispered in my ear.

By then I was shaking to the point it wasn't funny. As Thomas approached me I started to shake loose bob but nothing I tried worked. I heard a loud thump as bob fell to the ground. I looked up and saw Dallas holding the guys at gun point which was no use since his heater had just blanks in it. He is gonna get us killed. I blacked out due to my high anxiety levels.

~Dallas p.o.v~

Camryn passed out she hit her head hard on the ground and started bleeding. As the soc's ran off I picked her up and took her to bucks place I bandaged her cut and I went downstairs to get a smoke. I am only being this one time next time she talks to me I'm going back to the hard cold dally everyone knows I'm supposed to be I'm done trying to be nice just shit some dumb girl I happened to fall for.

      "D-Dallas?" She sounded week and it hurt me but I can't let her in.

       "What do you want?" I hissed at her. God she looked like she was gonna cry. What did I do she was hurting. Wait I shouldn't care I'm hard cold and mean she is just another broad.

      "Thank you for saving me." She said getting up and walking out.

       "Don't mention it kiddo. I don't want you to ruin my reputation." I coldly said as she led my room.

        When she was gone I let tears fall. And it was like two damn water falls on my face. Good thing I'm not a girl because I would have smudged makeup.

~camrys p.o.v~

I left Dallas but as I shut the door I heard sobs coming from his room. I'm shocked he never cry's. I opened the door quietly to see what he was doing and I saw him pull out a blade and hold it up to hi wrist.

"DALLAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled startling him and he ended up cutting his arm.

"Uh, what are you doing head cam?" I ignored his question and got a towel to help stop the bleeding and put it on his arm.

"Dallas I heard you crying when I closed that door. Your so damn lucky I opened that door to check on you." I was starting to have tears form in my eyes.

"Cam your so damn protective." He said harshly

"Well I wouldn't have to be so protective if you weren't so stupid-" I was rambling and Dallas cut me off by kissing me.

He pulled me closer not letting me go but I didn't wanna let go. I wanted this moment to last forever. The only question running through my head was was I just another broad or did he actually love me.


~camryns p.o.v~

I woke up to the sun light hitting me in the eyes. I looked around at my surroundings to realize someone was holding me not wanting me to go. I turned around and saw Dallas. I smiled lightly I moved his arm and got up.

Arms wrapped around my waist. Well that means someone got up. I turned around and was met face to face with Dallas.

"Hey Dal I'm cold." I mumbled as I hugged him tightly.

"Do you wanna wear my leather jacket again?" He asked as he kissed my head.

"What will you wear then?" I forgot he had other jackets.(camryn is smart but dumb)

"Cam I have other jackets." He laughed

"I thought your leather jacket was your favorite?" I mumbled.

He put it on me as he kissed me.

~Dallas's p.o.v~

I slept with Camryn and now she is wearing my favorite jacket. I'm letting her in when I swore I was gonna push her away.

She left to go home and put on different clothes. I changed too I wore my jean jacket, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans with my boots.

I sat in my room for like 3 minutes till Johnny walked in.

"Hey what's up kiddo." I said messing up his hair.

"H-hey dal. Um do you like camryn?" Johnny looked serious. I couldn't tell the kid he looks up to me he can't know someone can make me soft.

"No she is just another broad. Why do you ask Johnnycakes?" I have never seen that kid more sad. I wish I could take back all I just said.

"Oh I-it's nothing. Wanna head over to the Curtis's?" Johnny was pretty sad I don't understand.

"Yeah sure." I said trying to cheer him up

We walked around town for a few hours till we got to the Curtis house around 8 at night. There was some yelling, and cam came walking out. She was crying. I wanted to hug her so bad. NO BAD DALLAS YOU CANT LOVE HER! SNAP OUT IF IT!

~Johnnys p.o.v~

Camryn was crying. I went over to her to see if she was ok she tried to avoid me. Cam never avoids anyone especially me.

"Cam please talk to me." I asked louder then I normally would and she stopped walking and looked at me shocked.

"Soda slapped me!" She snapped at me.

"I'm sorry I know you and him are close." I really feel bad she never get hit by soda.

"Can I walk you home Johnny?" She asked I nodded.

We walked to my house she ranted the whole way. We got to my house and my parents were arguing so I walked up to the door slowly. Camryn must have saw my dad walk up to the door and hit me because she yelled something and ran up besides me. My dad saw her and started beating her. I had to do something so I pushed him off her. He is drunk the smell of alcohol was strong.

"Don't touch her! She isn't your kid beat me instead!" I shouted he grabbed me before camryn could do anything.

~camryns p.o.v~

I walked Johnny home his dad hit him so I went up there to make him stop and he hit me. Till Johnny told him to beat him instead. Johnnys dad didn't hesitate and pulled Johnny in before I could do anything.

"NO JOHNNY!" I croaked then I heard him screaming in pain and I couldn't handle it and ran off crying.

When I got home I saw Dallas jump up to look at me. He saw my cuts and bruises from the other day. But he could tell I had more cuts.

"CAM!" He yelled I flinched so he got quitter. "What happens to you?" He was seriously sad I could see the tears building up in his eyes.

"Johnnys dad." I cried weakly, "He was hittin' on Johnny so I tried to make him stop but all he did was hit me instead till Johnny yelled at him to hit him instead. Before I could do anything his dad drug him inside. I sat there and I yelled till I heard Johnny screaming in pain and I couldn't handle it so I ran here" I was sobbing after I explained what happened.

Moments later Johnny showed up with cuts all over him. I ran up and hugged him and cried into his soldier.

"I-I'm so sort camryn." Johnny started crying too.

"Don't be Johnny. I shouldn't have left you all alone but I couldn't handle haring your screams." I tried to stop but couldn't.

"Gosh I didn't know you could hear me." He said as be parted from our hug.

We sat down on the couch. I laid my head on his lap and fell asleep. Dallas picked me up off of sleeping Johnny and put me in my bed. I dreamt about my parents.

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