Chapter 18

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Dallas's POV

Yes I know most people don't see me as the soft caring person but deep down I really am a good guy. Yes I can be stubborn but I love this girl with every ounce of my body. She makes me feel wanted and like I matter. She makes this aweful life I live of stealing and cheating worth living, once I found out I was gonna be a dad I wanted to clean up my act.

After I saw Darrel land on Camryn I sprinter over and pratically threw him off of her checking to see if she was okay.

"Cam please tell me you are okay?" I pratically begged knowing she probly was but we would be unsure bout the baby.

"Dal I'm fine but im worried about the baby... if it dies I don't know what I'm going to do with myself" she cried not giving a shit who was here.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor to find out?" I asked hoping everything would be okay. I am very nervous.

"Please..." She whispered only so I could hear.

I picked up my girlfriend without hesitation and ran to the hospital. My feet were pounding on the concrete starting to burn but there was no way in hell I was stoping.

I was about 10 feet away from the door when Camryn told me to stop running and let her walk a little.

"Can someone please help us to see if our baby is okay?" Camryn said loud enough so someone would hear her.

"What happened miss?" A nurse asked walking Camryn to a room.

"My brother landed in my stomach and I'm worried about my baby..." Camryn said letting one of her tears slip.

"Let me just do a ultrasound to get a look at the baby." The nurse smiled sympathetically.

Around 30 minutes later the doctor told us that the baby was alright and what the gender was. We are having a girl!

We walked back to the Curtis house and told the gang everyone was happy but Darry just glared at me. I could care less though.  Later that night me and Camryn decided on a name Ryleigh Dawn Curtis-Winston...

sorry this was a short chapter

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