chapter 1: mickey mouse

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~camryns p.o.v~

I just got home it was around 1:00 am I knew that Darry would be mad since he always gets mad at me and Pony for being late. Soda never gets I trouble witch makes no sense. As I open the door to the house Darry was asleep in his chair so I made the effort to sneak off to my room. I have such bad luck because Johnny came running in behind me and was freaking out about something happening at the lot and that someone needed help. I followed him outside thinking it was some soc's picking on one of our stronger members of the gang that just needed a little help. Turns out it was all over Ponyboy sleeping.

"Johnny you seriously made me panic Over Pony sleeping?" I complained.

"Well I cant pick him up and he looked to peaceful to wake up." Johnny said quietly trying not to wake sleeping beauty that passed out on a couch cushion in the lot.

"Fine I will take him to his room." I groaned as I picked up pony and headed home motioning Johnny to follow since I wont let him go to his home.

We got home and Darry was looking at me about to yell at me till he saw me walking in with Pony in my arms and Johnny walking behind me. We aren't allowed to yell around Johnny because of his parents. His parents are drunks and drug addicts so they argue a lot but his dad also beats Johnny and his mom shit talks Johnny to his face.

Johnny Doesn't deserve what his family does to him. the gang is technically all he has. I mean i know how he feels to not have anyone but the gang I mean i have my brothers but they aren't that much different then Two-bit is to me meaning they are more my friends then they were my brothers. well every one but darry who is over protective.

Me and my brothers Darrel, Sodapop, and Ponyboy lost our parents 2 years ago. sure it hit us all hard but it hit me worse then it did my brothers because I was in the car when they died, and i could have saved theme if I had my switch blade on me. Every time I think about it I breakdown crying and think things I shouldn't. Every time I go to sleep my dream always consist of my parents dying along with my brothers and the whole gang.

     "Go put Pony in his bed, Johnny you can sleep on the couch." Darry grumbled as he got up and went to bed.

    I went to put Ponyboy to bed then I went to go to my room when I was sure Pony was asleep. I had to get ready for bed so I took off my makeup and got in to my tank top and sweats that I always sleep in. I had to be carful not to wake my twin brother because he has work in the morning, and I don't want him mad at me.


    I woke up to Dally yelling at Two-bit because he aid something stupid or at least Dally said he said something stupid, but it's Two he always says dumb shit.

    "How the hell are obsessed with a fucking mouse!" Dallas never liked the fact we liked to watch Mickey with Two because he thought it mad us dumber.

    "He is a sexy mouse dal, so leave Two alone." I giggled with a smirk as I entered the living room.

     "How is he a sexy mouse cam, he is creepy." Dally complained.

     "So? The rest of us like it so you have to deal with it." I couldn't help but laugh at his facial expression.

    This was by far one of our weirder conversations. Normally me and dally talk the random shit that comes to mind.

      Dallas Winston was one of the worst greasers he alway shoplifted and got in to fights he has been in the cooler a few times because he got caught steeling I think. Dal could have any girl he wanted he was a real good lookin' guy. He has chestnut brown hair and brown green eyes he is well built. I kinda like Dallas but nobody but Johnny knows.

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