Chapter 3: Jealousy

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~Camryns p.o.v~

      Two weeks have gone bye and I really like Thomas he is really nice and doesn't treat me like the other soc's treat me so I kinda want to ask him out but I'm scared of what the gang will think because we aren't really supposed to hang out with any soc's after what happend with cherry and bob but I wanna be with Thomas. Fuck it imma just ask him to go to a movie later tonight. I went to go call him with the phone downstairs when I called him he answered.
"Hey Thomas this is camryn. Wanna go watch a movie tonight at the drive in?" I thought he would say no


"Ok what time do you want to meet up?"

"Does 7:30 work for you?" He picked the time because I don't really have anything I need to do tonight.

"Ok sounds great see you then!" I hung up because I heard someone walk into the house I was shocked to see Dallas right behind me when I turned around I felt his breathing on my face. 'What the hell is he doing here?' I thought 'oh right I have his jacket' I looked at him nervously.

"Well if it isn't Dallas Winston, what do you want?" I said with sadness and hurt in my voice.

"My jacket the one I put your switch in." He sounded cold and cruel.

"Ok go get it and leave, but I need my switch blade back it was my last birthday present from my dad." I was still sad because of what happened the other night.

"Ok. Also Johnny knows about what I saw so he is watching over you while I can't." He really told Johnny.

"What the hell did you see?" I said shocked.

"You know what I don't care get the hell out of my house I have a date in a hour with someone so I need to get ready." I just wanted him to leave but then he got mad.

"You have a date why didn't you tell me? Who are you going out with?" He was questioning me.

"A soc now will you leave?" After he heard I was goning out with a soc he ran out of my house. Thank god he's gone.


~camryns p.o.v~

           I had to get ready so I went to my room to find something cute. I decided to wear my leather jacket, my maroon halter top, my black ripped jeans,  my black high top converse and I decided to leave my long hazelnut brown hair down. I walked out of my room to see Two-bit looking at me.

"Ummm hey Two what are you doing here I thought you got a job with soda and Steve?" Two-bit promised his mom that he would get a job to help pay the rent for them to live in their house.

"Oh, shit I forgot about that well I have to go see ya cam!" Ge shouted as he ran out he door.

"Ok bye!" I shouted back with a giggle.

Pony walked into the house as I was leaving.

"Hey can where you going?" He asked stopping me from leaving.

"Oh hey pony I'm going on a date I will be back by midnight please tell Darry." I was gonna be late so I had to speak fast.

"Oh ok I will tell him that but don't be late we know how much he hates it." Pony told me as I rushed past him.


~Camryns p.o.v~

I walked to the movie alone because I had a switch on me although I am hoping not to use it. I decided it would be a good time to get out a smoke while I was walking. I reached into my pocket to grab a weed and my lighter. I lit my cigarette and took a drag in then I blew out the smoke. I finished it when I saw Thomas talking to bob and his friends.

"Hey Thomas what are you doing?" I asked as I walked up.

"Bob this is my girlfriend camryn." When he called me his girlfriend I got so happy but then I remembered all those times Dallas calls me doll or baby girl in a joking matter but I had to push the memory's away because I loved Thomas. I waved at bob and his friends.

"Well if it isn't the young Curtis girl." Bob hissed at me.

"Bob leave her alone she is nothing like her gang I really like this one don't scare her off." Thomas got all protective over me.

"Fine but only because you are my little brother." Bob complained.

"Now go get drunk with your dumbass friends!" I hissed at him hinting he needed to go. Boy was I right he dot drum he was so drunk the next time I saw him he was practically floating in whisky.

As me and Thomas watched 'west side story' it was a new movie that I haven't gotten a chance to see and I got lucky and they played it on the screen. 10 minutes went by we were joking around and all of a sudden he kissed me on the lips I jumped back because last time someone kissed me it didn't go to well. I was never good at finding nice boyfriends. Then someone put there feet on the back of my chair. I turned around and to my surprise it was Dallas. I should have known he would show up because he is alway here.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the one and only Winston." I have Dallas a smirk.

"Watch your tone Curtis." He grumbled. I miss the was I used to make him laugh but I changed one I lost my parents. I was dark and I turned cold.

"Looks like my smirk can't make you smile anymore. That's sad because you used to light up when I smirked at you." I practically giggled at the end of my sentence.

"Whatever makes you happy." He kinda looked disappointed in my choice for a boyfriend.

"Dallas are you ok?" Thomas turned around asking Dallas. Let me just say I have never seen Dallas so pale.

~Dallas p.o.v~

           Cam was at the drive in when I showed up. I saw her with her boyfriend I couldn't see his face so I didn't recognize him. I saw him kiss camryn and the way she jumped away from him made me confused till I remembered what Tim Shepard abused camryn. I decided to put my feet on her chair and we had a small discussion then I saw her boyfriend turn around and I saw it was Thomas Sheldon. Thomas is part of the reason Johnny was almost killed.

"Dal you ok?" Can look confused to why I looked scared.

"No your going around town with a ass hole who was the reason your brother and Johnny were up in that church!" I yelled because Thomas was bad news for camryn.

"Dallas he has nothing to do with that!" Idk why she insisted on yelling at me because she know I was right.

" whatever but I'm not gonna save your ass when him and his brother hurt you!" I snapped and Camryn her eyes started to water.

"Cam I'm-" she ran off be for I could finish Thomas followed her and I got worried so I followed far behind him so he didn't see me. 'Shit it's a trap' I thought as I saw camryn running down the street into a crowd of guys.

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