Chapter 13: Thrown Out

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I was infuriated Dallas isn't just some dumb kid.

"No, he isn't dumb and you can't control who I date." I said angrily. I just glared at the back of his head. I know I should be scared because no one talks back to Darry but I'm not. He turned around and stood really close to my face. I didn't cower down from my firm position.

"What did you just say to me you little brat." He said looking down into my eyes, I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"You. Heard. Me." I said slowly and still firm.

"Get out of my god damn house now." He sneered leaving my room. Once he left I snapped and let some tears fall. Darry actually kicked me out I can't believe it.

"Are you ok babygirl?" Dally asked pulling me into a hug.

" I'm fine I just need to get out of here... can you help me pack some clothes?" I asked calming down.

"Yeah I can." He said going to pack some of my clothes. On my way to grab my miscellaneous items around the room like a few pictures and few blankets, I grabbed one of sodas flannels.

Once we were finished with packing my things we left my room and walked down the stairs. Once we got down to the living room I didn't stop to say bye I just kept going out the door.

"Madi me and Camryn are gonna go to bucks so she can get settled once your done here you can come find us and buck will show you to the room that shares a bathroom with mine." Dal told his sister just before he followed behind me.

We walked all the way to bucks. Once Buck saw me come in with all my stuff and he took some of it from me. He helped me set up in dals room Dallas had to talk to him about Madi moving into the room next to his.

"Hey cam how you feeling?" Dallas asked pulling me into a hug.

"I have been better... I mean I thought the guys cared about me instead they all let me get kicked out." I said smiling sadly.

"Look Darry is a dick and you don't deserve to be treated like he treats you." Dal said pulling me in for a kiss.

A sudden knock broke us apart and we just looked at each other. The knock happened again so Dal went to open the door.

"Is she here?" A small voice asked.

"Pony man idk if it's a good idea to see her right now." Dallas said calmly because my little brother didn't say anything when I left home and that hurt me more then anything.

"Dal you can let him in." I said quietly from the bed.

"You sure?" he asked looking at me with sad eyes.

"Positive." I said at the same level as before.

Pony slowly walked in and looked around the room. He hadn't looked to me yet but you could still tell he didn't want me to leave the Curtis house.

"Camryn I'm so sorry I did't go after you and that I didn't stand up for you when Darry kicked you out." He said looking to the floor.

"Look I'm not looking for pity Ponyboy and if that's what your here for then you can go." I said standing up and facing him.

"N-no that's not why I'm here... I'm here to tell you that Darry feels awful for what he did but he thinks that if your gonna be with him..." pony looked at Dal with a glare. "You can't come home." Pony finished

"What about to hang out with the gang am I aloud over then?" I question frustrated.

"I think Darry was ok with that... but you will live here till you can get your own place." Pony said looking to the floor.

"Whatever man just get out." Dal said shoving him out of the room.

"Babe?" I asked Dal looking at the floor.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Why am I even in this world if my own family doesn't want me." I said with a straight face looking to the floor.

"Camryn Marie Curtis... you do not get to say anything like that. You are loved by me okay and I can't lose you." Dallas said pulling me to him and cuddling with me. I drifted off to sleep after crying for about 30 minutes.

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