Chapter 17

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Dally's POV
"Y-you mean I'm gonna be a dad at 17?" I questioned very unsure of how I should react. My whole reputation will be fucked with if I'm gonna be a dad. Camryn just nodded in response to my question. "Fuck Camryn I'm not ready for this." I said quite trying not to hurt Cam.

"And do you think I am Dal. I'm fucking scared because this whole thing could go wrong and I can lose you or the baby." She cried frustrated.

"Cam we have to tell your brothers..." I said knowing im gonna die.

"Dal, I think they might make me get rid of it." She said looking to the ground.

"Babygirl your living with me so you get to chose your own path... just know I love you and won't let them or anybody else hurt you." I said trying to calm her down.

We finally made the decision of going to the Curtis house. We got there and I basically had to drag Cam into the house.

"Hey Darry we need to talk to you..." I yelled into the  house as I walked in.

"What do you want Dallas." Darry grumbled clearly  annoyed that I'm in his house.

"Can me and Cam talk to you in your room away from the guys?" I asked hesitant.

"Yeah whatever..." he rolled his eyes going to his room.

I grabbed Camryn's arm gently and she followed looking at the ground.

"now what the fuck do you want?" Darry said once we got to the room.

"You have to promise me you won't get mad..." Camryn trailed off. I could sense the nervousness in her.

"Fine, just hurry up." Darry's voice boomed.

"I-I'm pregnant. Darry trust me I know it sounds bad but both me and Dallas accept the responsibility." She said the last part like she was scared to get her head ripped off.

Darrel just looked at me and grabbed my shirt and pulled me out of the room and out the front door. I could hear Camryn yelling at Darry to put me down. Once he got off the last step I was thrown into the ground and he stated punching me. Soon Soda, Pony, Steve, And Two pulled the very angry Darry off of me and tried to figure out what was wrong.

"This asshole got my baby sister pregnant." He sneered giving me a deadly glare. I couldn't move to well I could feel broken ribs and I know for sure there will be bruises all over me.

"That's no reason to go killing the boy." Two said frustrated and angry. I wonder what the he'll crawled up his ass and died.

Camryn ran up to Darry and hit him a few times. This just made Darry even more mad. It didn't help when cam decided to climb onto his back. Now let me tell you Darry isn't good to mess with when he is angry. He threw Camryn off and onto the ground losing his balance he fell onto the ground landing on Camryn's stomach. This made me panic he could have just killed my child... I was acutely exited to be a dad and Learn responsibility...

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